Week in Review w/ VLOG! July 7 - 13, 2014

Monday, July 14, 2014
 Hello friends!Welcome to Monday huh!? It came too early and too fast for me.  Normally every Monday or at the beginning of the week, I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our weekend. I also vlogged a little each day which you can see in the video below. I have been trying to move all my video's to my main channel including the vlogs but for right now I am uploading them to both channels. I think that is the best way to do it right now but eventually they will probably all move to my housewife life main youtube channel. I hope you don't mind but I have been trying to figure out a way to make everyone happy. I don't expect you to watch them twice but now you will be able to find my vlogs on both channels.

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This past week:

There was nothing really exciting about this past week. I started the week kinda late with doing our weekly shopping on Tuesday instead of Monday. We had company the week before so I took Monday to really clean up the house. Tuesday I took off do a little shopping and then decided to make some lobster rolls. I have to admit, it was kinda freaky handling the lobsters. I went to Culinary School but for some strange reason, they scared me! I kept feeling those little eyes were looking at me.  I doubt next time if I buy the entire lobster like I did before...maybe just some lobster meat out of the shell would work easier. The sandwiches were really good and totally worth all the work. :) In the middle of the week, I finally finished getting my little car cleaned and organized. When I got into that serious accident in my other car, I lost a lot of the organization items I already had. Its so convenient to have the car organized with my much needed items. It feels a lot better to have it organized just like with the house! 

Later in the week, my 2nd Erin Condren box finally came in. I am so happy with my life planner and I will probably use one from the line but I have had a ton of problems with ordering and delivery. I was again missing a few things. I just think they got overwhelmed with all the new orders for the 2014-2015 Life Planners that a few of us are falling through the cracks. They have great customer service so I am not too worried about it. I pretty much love all Erin Condren products so I am just rolling with it! 

We didn't do a lot of cooking this past week. Instead we have been opting for a more Antipasto kind of meals. After being outside in the sun and getting wore out eating light and easy is a must for both Scott and myself. We have also been loving more smoothies because again...they are easy and super healthy. I posted my Green energy boosting smoothie recipe but I am not so sure that many people are interested! Trust me...the green smoothie is super yummy! Speaking of food, I went and did our weekly shopping and saw some Campbell's Crockpot Sauces. I had never seen them before and might even have to try one sooner or later! Have you tried them yet!? 

Finally we got to Sunday and had a wonderful time tubing again at Green River. Its such a relaxing fun way to end a busy week. Scott and I just floated down the river in no hurry at all. We actually started from a higher point and got to see lots of things we missed the first time we went. Also this time we picked out a double tube ( and they had tons! ) and went together. I had all my water proof gear which worked great again! We came back with everything undamaged and working. I saw another lady on the water who had pretty much the same set up as I do which was also keeping her items dry. It was such a nice day. Scott giggled and giggled which was nice because the last time we were there, he felt really bad and was kinda grumpy. We tubed for about 3 hours and went to our old town for a while to see friends. We left our house yesterday at noon and didn't walk back through the door until after 8pm. I was so exhausted that I just came in and flopped on the couch after a hot shower. It wasn't long before I was in bed resting from such a long day. 

If you want to see more about our weekend, enjoy the vlog below! 

  • Paint Nails
  • Clean Chalkboard wall...a job I never got done last week. 
  • Zone clean and record
  • Work on replying to emails and comments
  • Dr. apt on Tuesday and another on Thursday
  • Prep some meals for the week
  • Keep organizing and setting up new Erin Condren Life Planner....sooooo fun! 
  • Go through bills and pay them. 
  • Trim herbs and make pesto
  • Get husby to gas up the car for me! :) I just don't like that job! 
  • Clean up and organize inbox 

Here's some inspiration to take with you through the week: 

Thanks for stopping by...I hope you have a beautiful and blessed day! Have a great week! 

If you want to find me buzzing around online, here's where to go! :)
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