Hello friends. I hope you are getting along well with your day.....here's another edition of Tuesday Truths. Hope you enjoy.
I seriously hurt my ankle. I am walking on it so I doubt its broke but standing up for hours on end yesterday was not easy. But I did it and I am still alive. If it gets much worse I might go to the ER or something but so far, I am doing ok...not great but ok.
My soon to be ex is back at throwing me in jail for God knows what. He's the reason I have hated my life for years. I wish he would just permanently go away. Thank you God for not giving us any children together. I have no idea what is wrong with him. No morals. No soul. Just plain evil. And now I understand why all his ex's hate him. It's easy to do.
I have been getting in a ton of steps according to my fitbit. I really hope with this divorce, not eating as much, working...and hopefully working out soon will help the pounds fall off. I can't do anything right now with my messed up ankle but I am going to sink in sometime just for me and my health.
The kids start school in just a couple days. It's insane how early they go back here. Brittany and Jackson are both at Arts right now. Heartbreaking but true. Another reason I am so disgusted by the man who just left my life. But we will be fine. He's not that powerful but it's hurts that she is not here. However, the kids are amazing and doing great.
Many of you have asked how Cooper is doing. Honestly, I have no idea. It's painful to think about so once I am in the right position, I will a new puppy. I am Cooper is fine. And if he's not....it's not my issue any longer. Thank you for all your doggy l♥ve.
The weather here has been so hot. I mean seriously hot here. I have been doing a lot of hiking and enjoying nature but it about killed me. I was a sweaty mess and had to take a cool shower as soon as I got back to the house. I think it is suppose to cool down soon so all I need is for my ankle to get better and I will be back at it!
I am trying to take the high road here lately. I want this marriage over and behind me. I think games are being played because my ex is hurt which is confusing to me. He wanted this. This was his choice and now that he rolled the dice the game isn't ending as he expected. That's ok. He will find his own way and I am going to go my way. And honest to God I have fought with this man for way to many years. I just want it over. He can be cruel. Just like Michelle Obama said last night... he goes low, I am going to go high. He's a terrible role model to his kids, to his family. I hope he gets help before it's too late. Isn't it true that crazy people don't know they are crazy? I think that might be what we are dealing with. I just need to go on and keep being happy. It's odd but it's so true.
I am slowly getting back to the recording videos. It's not easy to get on camera when I am dealing with so much but all your comments on this video have been so eye opening. YOU saw a change that not even I knew. Many of you have said that I seem so much happier. Thank you. I am! I'll record a video soon with a new update.
My soon to be ex sister in law is acting a fool on her facebook and blog. I am sure her 5 followers will really care. God...some people just don't know when to shut the hell up. I think the entire family needs duct tape around their mouths.
I took the most amazing long back last night. It was so relaxing. I have been doing so good waking up early. I sleep better now and I really truly appreciate that. I have been springing out of the bed happy each morning and ready to face the day. No one can really hurt me. The worst has already been done and everything else can be fixed.

I have really been enjoying a lot of my older friends since getting home. This is exactly where I need to be and I am so grateful for it. When going through something like this, you find out who really is loving, loyal and caring...and who's not.
I plan on checking the PO Box today sometime. Thank you in advance for anything you sent. So many of you asked for it and from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Your cards and letters have been so amazing. I am responding right back so feel free to use it anytime.
Also I have a ton of messages and comments that I still need to respond to. I have less time now and there are just so many. Sooooooo......I am just doing the best I can with it. I read everything. Thank you for taking the time to comment on any of my social network platforms. I love you guys. You have given me great advice and I will forever treasure it.
I have been talking to my first son's father. So many of you had questions about him. We met when we were still riding bikes and separated when I was 23. I wanted to get married and he was no near that point at that time. We are basically best friends. I kinda want more but right now we are just going to take things slow so I can finish up this last married life chapter. I respect him. I love him. And he makes me laugh. I am glad so many of you liked him and said he was a better fit for me. I think so too. I should thank my ex for running out. Probably the best thing he has ever done for me. And right now the universe has brought back an old love in my life. I am excited about the future. :)

The Democratic National Convention was inspiring last night. Ha! No more fucking republicans in my bed. No way. I would rather slit my own throat first. Another bonus to getting divorced!
I think I am letting Romeo go. Yea. It's probably the best thing. I am not 1000% sure yet but it's in my mind right now. Where I am going, it's probably not best for him. I might be wrong. I just have to put some thought and prayer into it. I love that cat like no other but I don't really see a way around it. I plan on keeping Gabby no matter what. I am tearing up right now. I just don't know.
My mom is doing great. She is making a ton of money training dogs of all things. She's great at it and it got me thinking. I might just have to follow her lead up here. We'll see. I am so proud of her. Someone just flew her to Florida for a weeks worth of training of their puppy and are paying her over 1k. OVER. Good job mom!
I have a lot to do in the coming days. I will do my best to check in. Be sure to find me on instagram and follow along for more photos and updates! xx
I agree with the first comment. Not Romeo too! I hope you decide to keep them both because they may need each other. After all, they spent their entire life together.
ReplyDeleteScott took the dog. What can I do but move on. Ill be damned if I play visitation with him like he's a kid. I love him a lot but it's not going to be another way for Scott to control me. I hate getting rid of the pets. Regarding Romeo...I am moving into a place where pets are not allowed. I am sneaking Gabby and just scared I will get caught with 2 cats. BUT...I don't think i can really get rid of him. So he'll most likely be going with me. I also thought about boarding him long term but that doesn't sound nice and I imagine it's expensive. Thanks for taking the time to comment. ♥
DeleteWhy is where you are going not the best for Romeo but okay for Gabby? Is there going to be another male cat around and you are afraid of them getting in fights or something? I know male dogs are that way when a female dog(s) are around.
ReplyDeleteScott took the dog. What can I do but move on. Ill be damned if I play visitation with him like he's a kid. I love him a lot but it's not going to be another way for Scott to control me. I hate getting rid of the pets. Regarding Romeo...I am moving into a place where pets are not allowed. I am sneaking Gabby and just scared I will get caught with 2 cats. BUT...I don't think i can really get rid of him. So he'll most likely be going with me. I also thought about boarding him long term but that doesn't sound nice and I imagine it's expensive. Thanks for taking the time to comment. ♥
DeleteYou might want to look into registering them as emotional support animals. I believe in some cases the landlord is required to allow you to have them. Here is a link with some information: https://www.nsarco.com/emotional-support-animal.html
DeleteI stumbled across your utube channel by accident, only I don't think it was an accident. I think God puts us in places for various reasons. I left a few comments on your videos. You remind me so much of me that I had to write. I went thru exactly what you are going thru after 16yrs of marriage. My ex is a car salesman and so manipulating that it's scary. He is the type that everyone thinks he's the sweetest most funny person, yet they have no idea how devious he could be to me. He was voted best looking in school and he is a handsome man on the outside. Yet he always was bossy, same characteristics. I separated several times but he held money from me which made it hard to rebound. He was sneaky! I found out he actually tried to pay my lawyer off before we went to court. I could go on. No matter what stay strong and don't waiver! Xxoo marnie
ReplyDeletePs. I am remarried and live in SC. That pic looks like Hunting Island. Gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteKisha, I have watched you for a while now and really grew to love you. I would wake up every morning and watch your video while I spent time drinking my coffee and just waking up. I knew about 7 to 9 months ago there was something wrong because I could see it n your beautiful eyes. Now that you have started a new chapter in your life you have found out how many people love you and your honesty, thats why we all watch. So many of us have been through what you have and can lend you advice and encouragement plus love, keep the faith and know that we are all praying for you!
ReplyDeleteWhere is Cooper and why do you not care about him. I could never let my dog go and replace with a puppy, was he Scott's dog? Why do you need to get rid of Romeo, pets are not disposable, I know you've gone through a lot, but getting rid of pets 😢😢😢😢😢😢
ReplyDeleteI agree!! I do enjoy watching Kisha, but I am disturbed that she has no problem with just getting rid of animals that she has "cared for" for years and animals that she has "loved". Animals are members of family not throw aways.
DeleteScott took the dog. What can I do but move on. Ill be damned if I play visitation with him like he's a kid. I love him a lot but it's not going to be another way for Scott to control me. I hate getting rid of the pets. Regarding Romeo...I am moving into a place where pets are not allowed. I am sneaking Gabby and just scared I will get caught with 2 cats. BUT...I don't think i can really get rid of him. So he'll most likely be going with me. I also thought about boarding him long term but that doesn't sound nice and I imagine it's expensive. Thanks for taking the time to comment. ♥
DeleteWhere is Cooper and why do you not care about him. I could never let my dog go and replace with a puppy, was he Scott's dog? Why do you need to get rid of Romeo, pets are not disposable, I know you've gone through a lot, but getting rid of pets 😢😢😢😢😢😢
ReplyDeleteScott took the dog. What can I do but move on. Ill be damned if I play visitation with him like he's a kid. I love him a lot but it's not going to be another way for Scott to control me. I hate getting rid of the pets. Regarding Romeo...I am moving into a place where pets are not allowed. I am sneaking Gabby and just scared I will get caught with 2 cats. BUT...I don't think i can really get rid of him. So he'll most likely be going with me. I also thought about boarding him long term but that doesn't sound nice and I imagine it's expensive. Thanks for taking the time to comment. ♥
DeleteYou say that you're taking the high road, but I'm sorry... you're kinda not. I can understand feeling the anger that you do, especially after being in a bad relationship. But you've admitted in a previous video that you made mistakes too. There is no excuse for abusive behavior, and that goes for BOTH parties in a relationship. Don't get lulled into false senses of security playing the Scott victim, and only listening to feedback that blames one person. It feels good, but it's not honest. I get it that Scott was an A-hole, but you guys WERE together for a very long time. STOP following his family's social media. STOP concerning yourself with their affairs and publicly dogging on them. It's petty. And if Scott truly is bi-polar or doing drugs or whatever else you're saying about him - recognize that he is struggling. nad honestly KIsha.....it is no one else's business what he is struggling with! It's not your right to put his very personal, dark issues on blast like that just because he hurt you. I am NOT saying you stay with him or help him yourself, but he deserves help and happiness much as you or anyone else! I know it sounds absurd to try and be gracious or empathetic to someone you are so mad at, especially from afar, but it is the right thing to do. Mark my words, feeling so entitled to anger and blame will take strong root in your heart, and grow and poison you for years until it's out of control before you know it. Take a long look in the mirror. I'm all for doing what you need to stay positive, but blind self righteousness and blame does not = happines or truth. The truth is what is most important, and always prevails.
ReplyDeleteIt's super unfortunate that you're getting rid of your animals. You called yourself disposable, but now you are disposing of your pets (which are family members too), which is no better. If you love then enough, you will do what it takes to keep them.
Sometimes people have to live were they can afford, and if this person that owns this property were Kisha has to live, says no pets then that is what it means, yes sad but if this place is her only option then that is the way it is, second concerning her ex, she has every right to have feelings of hatred, and it is good for her to express her feeling. Telling her not to is just down right redicuoulous. He kind of waved that right leaving the way he did. I am 1000% sure her ex is doing the same thing to her to people also. Yes two wrongs don't make a right, telling someone to hide their feeling is the wrong advise.
DeleteI don't think I ever told her what to do. What I did say is that the way she is acting is not taking the high road. I never said she should hide her feelings either, only that bitterness locks people up and I hope she finds stable ways to work through that before it gets to be too much.
DeleteWhen you say "but blind yourself righteousness and blame does not = happiness or truth" you are saying that blaming someone for their actions and having anger, and hurt, disappointment, for what the other person did is not justified. But that is wrong, maybe her "blasting" makes her feel better. Maybe it does = happiness for her. Maybe she feels that she is on the high road, because she feels that she is now happy, and coming to relealize she really was not happy after all with her ex. Maybe she feels excited about having a new life. You also said stop playing the Scott victum. Kisha has taken her responsibilities for things she has done wrong, she says it in her video, but she did not leave him, nor the way he left her. You are totally wrong. Bitterness will go away with time, things are fresh, court still proceeding, he is still giving her a hard time on somethings, so if her "playing the Scott victum " as you wrote is totally uncalled for.
DeleteBTW, Scott is happy, he got what he wanted. He left, so to say that he derserves happiness, from here on out that is on him, to figure out, and to decide, what will if not already makes him happy. It is up to him weather he is happy or not. Maybe putting his dark secrets out there may get him help if he has problems, or notifiy the right people to get him that help, to help him move on, and get the demons out of his life, this could actually do some good.
DeleteNo. When I said that blind self righteousness and blame does not = happiness or truth", I meant just that. I never said that it was unjustified to have angry, blaming feelings. Not at all, we are human after all. And what makes us "feel better" in the moment, is not always right or the truth. Maybe it will help him if she puts all his secrets out there, but that's honestly not gonna be up to anyone else but him in the long run. We have ALL made mistakes, been fucked up,treated someone else bad, and regretted things we have done, and it is really only up to us if we wanna change. I hope the bitterness does fade, and I hope all the negative energy that is being given to the situation will dissipate because that's still just him living in her head without paying rent.
DeleteI don't have much time because I am going but...I will answer your comment. I am not playing his victim. I am his victim and so is everyone else in the house as well. We were together for wayyyy to long. I probably taught him it was ok to treat me the way he did after accepting it for years. I will say what I want about him, when I want...and its always honest.. not petty. Shit...he is struggling for his next pill to put his nose. That's it. Otherwise I think he is doing great being such a lying looser. It's absoulty my right to talk about him after being married for 13 years. Again...those are my decisions...not yours...sure as hell not his and that's how it goes. I don't follow his family on social media. I blocked them all but others are letting me know what is said and posted. I do not think the animals are disposable. I am moving into a place where pets are not allowed. I am sneaking in Gabby and thought it might be too much to sneak in Romeo as well. BUT...I will probably try because I love him so much. I just don't want to get kicked out over cats. And right now, I can't be that picky about where I am going. I love all the animals. The dog included. But somethings are out of my control. I know the cats have nothing to do with this or the dog. I am just dont want to get kicked out of another place because of them but I will try anyway. I am sorry if this comment comes across rude even though you didn't use your name. I just refuse to let others tell me what to do. That shit is over.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't come across as rude, we can agree to diagree, and I'm not leaving my name because it isn't relevant. My only reason for choosing to express myself is becasue I see a lot of anger and blame, and it is sad. No one is saying you shouldn't feel that way, but don't say you're taking the high road when really what you're doing is reacting to the hurt and anger that comes right after a bad relationship.
DeleteTRUE resilience and strength do not have to roar and yell about who is right, who is wrong, who is a low life and who is happier. Integrity isn't about being complacent and "refusing to let others tell you what to do." You do sound a bit like a rebellious child right now (well HE started it so I don't have to listen to anything I don't want and i can say anything i want!) but the truth is you both have issues to work on.
As for people who are "telling" you things about family social media - ask them to stop immediately. If you TRULY want to take the high road, stop putting things out there that might be hurtful to innocent parties involved in the situation, stop/block out the petty drama and slander, focus on yourself, protect your kids from being in the middle as much as possible, and do whatever it takes to keep your animals. Or don't, but then don't proclaim to be taking the high road, and just admit that you are working through anger.
I respect that it's your life and your decisions may not be what I would do, but I felt compelled to express myself because I don't want you to be wounded for any longer than you already have been.
I agree with every thing this guys says .... thats taking the high road. The slandering and addressing Scotts personal business and troubles are not ... that should be i am sorry illegal. And i here more about that than your own ISSUES that were YOUR responsibility to Share and fix and work through.
DeleteSilly..silly.... Can't you see how Kisha is never to blame for anything? She's never wrong you guys...she's always the victim and will always point the finger at those who done her wrong!! She has the right to say whatever she wants (even though it's most definitely not the truth) Her version of things is all we're allowed to see.
DeleteScott took the dog. What can I do but move on. Ill be damned if I play visitation with him like he's a kid. I love him a lot but it's not going to be another way for Scott to control me. I hate getting rid of the pets. Regarding Romeo...I am moving into a place where pets are not allowed. I am sneaking Gabby and just scared I will get caught with 2 cats. BUT...I don't think i can really get rid of him. So he'll most likely be going with me. I also thought about boarding him long term but that doesn't sound nice and I imagine it's expensive. Thanks for taking the time to comment. ♥
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean Scott is back at throwing you in jail? Is that just a saying or feeling, or is he for real trying to put you in jail? I just read that and thought, what in the world LOL Hope you can get your life back on track, you seem to be doing a good job of keeping it together and trying to move forward. Good for you!
ReplyDeleteTo the previous anonymous commenter.....Let her do whatever she wants to do please.its always the woman who goes through more to save a marriage and suffers more.after years of physical and mental abuse,just Let her go be free and heal. U are probably her sister in law or someone who doesn't understand commenting and u need to leave kisha alone.she is going through a hard time.u have obviously never been physically hurt by a man or suffered trauma before.kisha has been left without money,without a home.she Can do what she wants because she is no longer under her Exs control and he is not financially supporting her. She is alone and single now.
ReplyDelete-I was sexually abused by my father, starting at age 8 (earliest I can remember anyways.)
Delete-My mom's long-term boyfriend would set a timer at dinnertime, and if I did not finish within that time (I never did), I was beaten with his belt. (beginning age 11.)
-I was sexually assaulted (as in forced to the ground, choked, and violently fondled by a classmate) when I was 13.
-I was choked and went unconscious by a male friend (age 12)
-I have been in 3 long term abusive relationships with men.
Please do not make assumptions on my (or anyone else's) life. I have had to do A LOT of work to get past anger and bitterness, and I can see when it is poisoning a situation from a mile away. Instead of letting blame eat me alive, I had to (slowly) learn to take responsibility for my own life, actions, reactions, choices, instead of repeatedly blaming the abuse I'd suffered. I am NOT a victim, I am a SURVIVOR, but I didn't get here holding hatred and anger in my heart, and I don't want ANY woman (especially Kisha) or any MAN, to make that mistake either.
And no I am NOT her sister-in-law, LOL! I am just a random person who felt a kinship towards someone who broadcasted their life in a public way, and who I've really enjoyed over time.
Keep holding your head up, Kiesha. Life is tough, keep pushing.... You can move mountains! Oh, BTW, I'm with her too! Be Blessed!
ReplyDeleteI would never leave my animals. If the only place I could live did not allow animals, I would live in my car. Pets are not disposable. Imagine how horrible it would be for Romeo to be in a shelter or with a stranger after living with you his whole life. I am sorry but that is just beyond selfish.
ReplyDeletePeople insisting she live in her car so she can keep her animals are nuts. As if keeping two long haired cats locked up in a small car with a person in the middle of summer isn't a hell of a lot more cruel than taking them to a no kill animal shelter.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right. I think she knows what is best for her animals, and this has to be so very hard for her right now.
DeleteIf you are seeing a doctor ask him to write a note for a therapy cat. It would be considered a service animal and you can have them it's the law. Check into it
ReplyDeleteHugs from Ohio.
If you are seeing a doctor ask him to write a note for a therapy cat. It would be considered a service animal and you can have them it's the law. Check into it
ReplyDeleteHugs from Ohio.