Here's whats been going on this past week:

Before we get into the WIR, I thought it would only be right to tell you about my Aunt. My moms sister Donetta had been battling health problems for a while now. She's been very ill and everyone has been worried about her. Sadly this morning she passed away and now is resting in peace. It's very sad. My mom was with her and she leaves behind 2 beautiful daughters and a son. Plus grandchildren and of course my mom and the rest of her brothers and sisters. All night I have been talking to my mom getting updates, helping her cope with watching her sister fade away and I feel bad I am not there. All of my family is in Indiana besides my sister and my mom and its a place that's always going to have a pull on me. It's very hard for me to hear my mom so heart broken. Strangely enough, I have been through many more deaths that my mom has ( we have pretty much lost everyone on my dads side ) and it breaks my heart to hear her cry and be in so much pain. At least she was there. The bond between all my moms brothers and sisters is a bond like no other. Growing up, they went through so much stuff together and I know this is forever going to change my mom and the rest of my family. My grandma Marry almost made through this life without loosing any of her children. Imagine how hard it is for her right now. It's so sad. I am really hoping now that she is pain free and in peace now. I am realived that my mom was able to be there with her in the end. She felt like she had to be with her sister and nothing was going to stop that. She has been sleeping in her room and praying for a I am sure her kids have been too. Life is not promised to any of us. It could end anytime so I really hope everyone reading this blog post, takes the time to make as many good memories as you can. The love and memories are the only things we take with us in the end.
Rest in Peace.
So the week around here was pretty laid back and routine. I feel like I have been so unproductive this past week. The short days, cold nights, just make it so hard to find any motivation. I am back to having serious sleep issues. I seldom fall sleep before 4am and then I toss and turn the few hours I am in the bed. It's nuts. I have got to get it under control. Last night I was talking to my mom a lot and up late but really I am up late most nights anyway. It awful and what sucks even more is I have to get up and clean today tired. Yea. loving that. When I am done with this blog post, I'll get started and this time I think I am going to start on the first floor because it's a mess down here and you see it first when walking in. Maybe tonight or tomorrow, I will be able get the upstairs done.
This past week, I got in another planner. I know that planners and calenders are not for everyone and I understand that. But I love them and I like sharing them. If you don't like them the way I do, skip those videos and blog posts! I had been waiting on the Passion Planner for a while. I can't wait to share it with you guys in full and I am also hosting a giveaway for one of you guys! And don't forget to click here to get entered in all the giveaways that are going on right now. We have 3 that you can still get entered in. Good luck to everyone.
The week and even the weekend was pretty laid back. I didn't even take a lot of pictures. I had a hard time just getting what I had to done let alone anything extra. But we did have fun over the weekend together playing games, watching movies, and staying warm. We had such a cold rain Sunday. It's was next to impossible to stay warm. We had to go out and run errands Sunday which was just miserable. I really wanted to stay laid up on the couch but I took advantage of going while Scott could drive. It actually was kinda like a little " day date " for us and I was totally grateful that he didn't mind doing the driving.
Another thing this weekend that happened is Brittany finding her a new dress for her Cheerleading banquet. Its really hard to parent from a different state. But it can be done because I am living proof of it. Brittany and I are extremely close but its hard being away from her. I am going to make a video about parenting from a far because I get so many questions about it. But she picked out a wonderful dress.. I got pictures of each one and then she made her decision and she did a great job. It crazy how fast she is growing up on me. I can't even express how proud I am of who she is becoming. But it's a lot of work and her and father and I are trying to navigate raising teens. I think the trick is just staying one step ahead of them!
Today is here and I have so much to do. My eyes are heavy, the coffee is not helping, all the animals are sleeping....all things that make me want to go back to bed. But I am going to push through it and maybe just maybe get to bed at a decent hour tonight. Here's some of my to do list for next week.
This weeks to do’s
- Weekly Cleaning...which at this pace, will take me all week to finish. I think today is going to be a mental health day.
- Clean out frig. I am sure there are some science experiments going on in there.
- Whiten teeth. YUCK.
- Look for a new kind mattress and box spring.
- Still need to get my hair cut. I think I am going to do bangs again to cover up wrinkles on my forehead! :)
- Finish Thank you notes.
- Post more Instagram pictures.
- Pick out some flowers to order for my Aunt.
- Pray in the mornings again and stop slacking off.
- Call phone company for some tech support regarding one of our phones.
- Get some lunch.
- Check on local classes that Scott and I need to take.
- Start walking 30 minutes every other day on the treadmill.
- Clean didn't get done last week.
- Check voicemails. Ha! Another job that didn't get done last week.
- Give the housesitter more money. I keep forgetting to do it. Gotta go to the ATM first. It would be nice if residential neighborhoods had individual post offices and atms.
- Buy some new sports bras.
- Buy another ivy plant. The one in the kitchen is so pretty.. I want another.
- Continue with yoga and mediation. I need a clear mind to balance my life properly.
- Find a fun craft to do with Jackson.
- Keep checking on mom. She is having a very hard time due to her sister passing away this morning.
- Continue working in the spare bedroom. Still have a lot of clutter in there.
- Decide on what blogs to sponsor for the month of March.
- Bake some cookies
- Film planning video today.
- Make Vet appointment to go have Gabby spayed this week or next.
- Purge old magazines.
- Get back on track withThankful Thursday blog post.
- Try to get another chapter done in our love story. There is still so much to write.
- Get to bed at a better hour. Story of my life.
- Work harder on getting healthy.
- Make more cuddle time with Scott. We need to just turn off the world, electronics and spend time with one another. It's not always easy but it's needed.
- Help Jackson more with his handwriting.
- Clean up DVR's
- Comment more when I read other blogs or watch videos on youtube.
- Buy some new workout clothes.
- Get the dog slobbers off the sliding glass doors.
- Move some vlogs over from the old channel to my main channel. Just to make it easier for everyone to find them.
- Work on Trader Joes new shopping list.
- Buy Martha Stewarts new cookbook...→ Clean Slate ← I want it!!
- Do a photo shoot of the cat. But gotta get him groomed up first.
Here's something to think about through the week:
I hope you are having a beautiful Monday! I am going to take my sleepy self and power through the afternoon and evening trying to get our house cleaned up. Scott is off work tomorrow and I doubt there will be much time to clean. So gonna get a move on! Thanks so much for stopping by! If you are new here, I'd love it if you took a few seconds and subscribed so you don't miss anything. :)