I recently found this fun July linkup from Juliette that I thought I would join in a little late into the month. I can't promise I will follow along every day but I will sure try! Hope you enjoy.
When I open the fridge, I always hope I find...
Normally I am looking for some kind of anitpasto items such as some prosciutto, melons, and different cheeses. I really like lighter foods in the summer!
Last week I was really pissed when...
I found out my husband didn't mail off a box that he was supposed to send. I knew he was so full of shit when he said it was in the mail when in fact it was sitting on the desk. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Needless to say, he finally got it mailed off!
One thing nobody understands about me is...
I like home. Its not so popular with my kids or husband but I like being home. My mom and sister are totally the opposite but I got the anti social gene from my dad. I really don't plan on changing anything about it either. I know I am safe at home and I pretty much don't bother anyone. Its just my happy place!
One thing I don't understand is...
Why it takes so long to really learn how to extract happiness from life. I guess you have to grow into your own skin but it has taken a long time for me to figure out how not to fight the world and be happy. Its kinda scary though.. I am 38 and just starting to figure out what real happiness it and in a way if feels like I don't have a lot of time left. Never take today for granted.
The world would be a better place if...
We got guns under control. We have become a country who is gun obsessed all while our kids are dying in the schools. I don't understand it. I come from a big gun family and I am kinda the black sheep on that too. I just think there has to be something done before it gets out of hand even more than what it already is.
If I had a million dollars I'd...

If I could change one thing about myself, it would be...
I would change my personality to be a bouncy bubbly happy person. You know who I am talking about right!? Just those naturally happy people who never seem to run out of smiles or energy!
Something that can always make me happy is...

Something I'll never blog about is...
I can't think of anything. I love politics so I am always talking shit about Republicans...sorry it's just the way I feel but I am married to one! I don't mind talking about sex if the blog post requires it. I can't think of one thing that I would shy away from.
If I could go anywhere I would go...
to Florida.
that's where I eventually want to get back to. I live in beautiful South Carolina and I really do like it here but I am still being pulled even further south. We have family there...a church we love...friends...so it's just a matter of time. We have moved around a lot and I just want to move when its the right time. I don't want to get there and have to move again so it has to be the final place!
If I were an animal I would be a....
I would hope to be a well taken care of cat!
A job I've always wanted is..
Congresswoman, Judge, Journalist. I went to school for a very long time and life worked out where I am able to stay home and I love it. Its not exactly how I thought things would be but again.. I feel safe here and that really matters. I get to spend a lot of time with the kids, my husband and animals and they are a full time job within themselves!
My idea of a perfect day is..
I have many ideas of perfect days depending on the mood I am in. Here's a few....
- A day when things going according the schedule and everything happens when its suppose to.
- Fun day with the kids when everyone gets along.
- Day dates with Scott where we just have alone time.
- Spending the day with family I don't get to see very often.
- Enjoying nature like when we went floating down Green River.
- Shopping days with Scott....we shop really good together!
- Picking up a new animal to join our family. :) We are getting a Afghan Hound in the coming months! And I am pretty sure the day we pick him up, will be a perfect day!
- Rainy days when thunder and rain fills the sky.
- When someone tells me I touched their life with this blog or with one of my videos.
- Hiking and picnics with my family...we always have such a nice time.
If I knew I'd die next week, this week I'd...

- That was really hard to write...maybe we should all live the way we would if we knew we were dying. Have a beautiful and blessed night.