Happy Wednesday Friends! Time for another Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce from over at From This Side of the Pond ....this is always such a fun linkup that I love doing. Today's hodgepodge is a little different. I am typing while my husband is driving so you are going to get his answers too!
1. When did you last have to interact, either by phone or in person, with someone in a government run agency? On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the experience? (10 being fabulous and 1 being pass the Tylenol)
Well currently we are in the car heading down south to actually deal with a government agency. ( I am totally hodgepoding from the car today! Thank goodness for teathering from the smart phone to run the laptop! ) I don't really want to make things bad for us if someone from that agency reads this but over all my experience has not been so good. I don't think the government really gets in a hurry to get things done and there is a process, which I am not too fond of. But I am grateful to have a established government in our country that can help us in all kinds of ways. But I wish they would hurry things up a little more! So my number would have to be a 5.
Scott says he had a state payroll auditor came into the dealership and would rate the experience as a 3. He said the guy was as dry as toast with no personality and took his time. He says he was busy enough without a slow poke holding him up!
2. The current governor of Wisconsin is considering a run for President next time around. Walker attended Marquette University, but never graduated. In terms of any candidate running for the office of President (not asking here if you agree or disagree with Scott Walker's politics) would the lack of a college degree influence your vote or no? Would that be a factor in your support of any candidate running for public office, even a role less weighty than President?
I think its very important to be well educated if you are going to try to run this country...or any country for that matter. But I do understand a long military record might work too. Over all though, yes I think you should be college educated if you are running for public office.
I think its very important to be well educated if you are going to try to run this country...or any country for that matter. But I do understand a long military record might work too. Over all though, yes I think you should be college educated if you are running for public office.
No Scott says. He thinks he would like his politicians to be educated, but experience and personal history are are big factors too.
3. When did you last visit a place or site named for George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, and what was that place or site?
The last place I can think of was visiting all the Abraham Lincoln places in Washington DC many years ago....and there are many!
He says its been too long to remember!
4. February 16th was President's Day in the US, but did you know it was also National Almond Day? I didn't think so : ) Do you like almonds? If so, what's a food/dish/recipe you enjoy that contains almonds?
I am not a almond fan. Never have been and never will be.
Scott says he's not a huge almond fan either but occasionally he will have a candybar with almonds.
5.The television program Saturday Night Live celebrated it's 40th anniversary this past weekend. Were/are you a fan of the show? If so what has been your favorite (or one of your favorite) skits, sayings, or characters that came out of the program?
Ha! Sorry... but also not a fan of Saturday night live!
He stopped watching in the 80's.. :) it's just not our thing!
He stopped watching in the 80's.. :) it's just not our thing!
6. Anything purple within ten feet of you? What is it?
Yep, a little box that I use to hold random stuff is purple sitting right here on my laptop.
For Scott, his shirt has purple strips in it... plus the box is within 10 feet because he is sitting right across the seat driving!
7. Back in December I asked you to submit a question for a future HP as part of a giveaway I was hosting. I grabbed this one from those entries, submitted by Zoanna who blogs over at Penchant for Pens. Thanks Zoanna!
She asks, "How often do you make your bed, and how do you like to make it-pull the covers all the way up over the pillows, tuck the covers in around the pillows, or place all the pillows on top of the covers?"
She asks, "How often do you make your bed, and how do you like to make it-pull the covers all the way up over the pillows, tuck the covers in around the pillows, or place all the pillows on top of the covers?"
I make all 3 beds in our house Monday - Friday and normally never make them up on weekends unless we have company coming over! Sometimes it's nice to get a break some days. And no, I do not pull the covers over the pillows. I pull the sheets and blankets up and fold over the top. I fold the sheet over the top of the comforter and I never tuck them in at the foot. I hate that!! I want to be able to snuggle in the covers...not feel like I am locked under them. Then the pillows lean against the headboard in a nice way.
I can just answer this question for him....→ He never makes the bed! ←
8. Insert your own random thought here.

Thanks so much for stopping by! I totally enoyed doing the hodgepodge with hubby today... and I hope you enjoyed it too! If by some chance you are just coming by for the first time, I would love it if you subscribed!