Happy Monday friends! I hope you are having a great day. I just have not found my motivation yet but I have been doing a lot of computer work and phone calls. So I guess I have kinda been productive in my own way.
This past week...
The weather here has been really beautiful for the most part. I have really been enjoying riding around town with the top down. The anxiety from my auto accident is slowing calming down. I still won't ride with the top down on major highways but its pretty nice to have all that fresh air and air with the click of a button. Friday I had a lot to do which included shopping for household stuff. I got a bunch of canning supplies and I even picked up a couple new friends to join the Jaggers fish family! They were actually bought for my husband for Fathers day. He loves watching the fish swim around...I think it relaxes him. We can't remember though what kind of gold fish they are..but they look like their brains are on the outside of their heads ( sorry for the bad description ) so if you know what kind they are, I'd love for you to let me know!
Saturday I got busy replanting the kitchen herb garden. I think they all have more room to grow now and I got rid of all the compacted roots. So far all the herbs are doing great and the self watering tray really does help. However, I do have to add water almost every day. Once Scott got home from dinner, we took off to run errands and enjoy dinner at Sushi Dojo. It was during this time Scotts nutty exwife decided it would be a good idea to drunk text and drunk call us most of the night. Perfect huh?? We did our best to not let it effect us but it was long night and finally blocked her so she would stop calling us. She was screaming on the phone and on voicemail messages and you know her house full of kids listened to it all. Its really trashy and I feel sorry for the kids.

We finally made it home about 1030 pm where I did record a food haul late. It was a long day and even though I wanted to flop on the couch - as my husband did - I had to get everything put up...When I asked Scott to help his cute response was - just leave it honey till tomorrow - I cut him some slack because he does work a lot and Monday was coming in a hurry for him. I stayed up and got everything done including cleaning the kitchen and I also cleaned and sorted the berries. I don't want them going bad before I can get the jelly. I'll have the tip up soon that helps protect berries and makes them last a lot longer. And its super easy! It was about 1am before I ever made it to the bath and even later before I climbed into the bed last night.
If you'd like to see more about our weekend here is our weekend in review vlog...
And guess what!? I put another vlog up earlier in the week in case you missed it. Its just a few high lights I thought I would share.
- Look over jelly recipe one more time before getting started. I know its going to be a long day of canning and I am not sure I am starting it today or not.
- Pray more. Life is complicated and I need all the help I can get.
- Replant Chocolate mint plant into a suitable container.
- Get many packages ready and in the mail. Actually I need to go to the post office box too.
- Go buy lavender plant from the nursery.Clean under couch cushions.
- Read another chapter in The Conscious Parent book.
- Wait...wait..wait...on my new Erin Condren Life Planner to arrive. I don't even think its suppose to ship until the 23rd.
- Edit many videos and get uploaded to youtube.
- Get the 1st floor cleaned up in the evening hours tonight. I am totally running behind today.
- Clean out inside of car
- Clean all the ceiling fans.
I hope you have a wonderful week. Feel free to let me know what is going on in your neck of the woods if you care to share! Here's some inspiration to take along with you. ♥