Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. Monday's vlog will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and Thursdays vlog will be for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Actually I might be adding more vlogs in during the week...depending on how much I vlog.
This past weekend it was really nice being able to spend time with Scott and Jackson. Friday was pretty uneventful. I ended up staying home most of the day, just working around the house. I did run a quick errand to the Dollar Tree & Dollar General to pick up a few things to organize our pantry with. I found the cutest jars at the Dollar General too! It's been a on going process finding a organizational method that actually holds up to my family rummaging through the shelves. After I got home, I stayed busy most of the evening trying to sort everything out and move it to the appropriate places in the pantry. By time I was done, I was tired and grumpy but our kitchen pantry looked great! Now we are testing out the new system to see if it really works for our family before I share it with you guys!
Saturday popped up super fast. I have been working harder on getting to sleep at a decent hour but I woke up kinda tired and grumpy. I had to quickly shake it off and put a smile on my face for Valentines day! It was freezing here...but thankfully no snow. Jackson hung out most of the day playing with one of his friends and I worked on laundry, planning, computer stuff....most of the day. I did take a break to go the store to pick up a few things we needed to make our Raspberry White Chocolate Oatmeal. I knew we would all be home together on Sunday and I wanted to jump ahead and work on breakfast because I hate cooking in the morning. Once I was back home the door bell rang and some beautiful roses were delivered from Mr. Jaggers.

I had to move them up to the fireplace mantel because our kitty cat Romeo loves to smell and eat all flowers. He actually had a few bites of babies breath and got sick...so the flowers went up to a high place where he doesn't normally jump. Its seriously like a obsession for him. We have to put all fresh flowers up or he will try to eat them petal by petal.
Some years we buy more for each other but we went just for the classics for this Valentines Day. I got the boys candy and cards. I got flowers and candy and a dinner out. Actually, we were planning on going out to a family style Valentines dinner because we didn't want to leave Jackson out. However, the weather was turning to super windy and cold instead of just freezing temperatures. The family vote was to order some take out and eat dinner in our warm comforting home instead. Normally, I would have been so upset that we were just going to stay in but I was pretty thankful to be home Saturday night. I didn't feel well and I certainly didn't want to go out and bare the cold weather for a steak. Applebees ended up cooking our dinner and Scott picked it up on his way home. I can't believe I am saying this but it was perfect for this years Valentine dinner. :) However, it wasn't such a easy day for my 13 year old daughter. She really is a good girl who makes straight A's..pretty...happy but still she is 13 and she just doesn't understand that she has so much life in front of her. She made some bad decisions on Valentines day which has landed her grounded without a phone. There's a boy..it always turns out to be a boy doesn't it!?

This is going to be such a busy week for us. We have another trip to Louisiana this week which is actually going to be a longer trip than before. It's going to be exhausting but we going to be able to see our other son which makes it totally worth it. But there's still a ton to do before we have to leave.
This weeks to do’s
- Go shopping today for new court clothes and shoes for Zane. I don't really want to go shopping today but it has to be done.
- Pre Record videos today, tonight or tomorrow and do my best to get them edited and uploaded before we leave on Wednesday.
- Pray more.
- Get things ready for the housesitter...but gotta call her first and make sure she can watch the animals.
- Call the Dr. today about Jackson's scripts.
- Find a gift for my ex husbands birthday from Jackson. We forgot. :(
- Quick clean up of my closet. It always gets so messy so fast.
- Make more fun time with Jackson.
- Work on weekly cleaning today. I am just going to do a hit or miss cleaning and work on it more tomorrow and even Wednesday morning before we leave.
- Make peach cobbler for house sitter.
- Be more patient and understanding.
- Call and confirm hotel.
- Have Scott take the trash to the dump before we leave.
- Food prep a meal for the night we are returning home.
- Try to work on some thank you notes. It might be put off till the weekend though.
- Check PO Box
- Put flea meds on animals.
- Work on laundry....lots to fold and put away.
- Work on paperwork for court.
- Respond to emails...send email to lawyer in Indiana.
- Do more yoga.
- Brush out Cooper
- Clean up DVR before we leave so we have all our shows when we return home.
- Clean out purse
- Give myself a manicure and paint my nails.
- Clean patio door.
- Post more pictures on instagram.
Here's something to take with you throughout the week..
Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you are having a beautiful Monday! I am going to get up and go shopping. It's nothing I really want to do but I need to. Thankfully, I am sticking to some stores close to home. I hope you are having a beautiful and blessed Monday. Stay warm! If you are new here, I'd love it if you took a few seconds and subscribed so you don't miss anything!