Day in the Life Vlog: January 23-26, 2015 | I love my Family! | * with To Do's!

Monday, January 26, 2015
Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog always and then another on Thursday. Monday's vlog will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and Thursdays vlog will be for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Actually I might be adding more vlogs in during the week...depending on how much I vlog. 

Here's what went on around here this past week:

Today has already been a busy day for me. I have ran some errands and went to an appointment, kinda picked up the 2nd floor, and devoured a pot of coffee. Actually, I just made a new pot and enjoying another cup right now. So this vlog is a bit if you need to escape some Monday Madness....come spend an hour with us!

At the beginning of the week, there was a lot of planning. I had to get my head together for the busy week that laid ahead. It's amazing the amount of work I do online and in my planners. I never feel caught up but I had a good game plan for us put together. As the days got a little warmer, the nights still have been so cold. Warm fires, hot tea and cozy socks have totally been keeping me and the boys through the winter nights. I am so ready for spring. Speaking of tea, I have been in looooove with the Mighty Leaf tea in Organic Spring Jasmine. Its one of the best teas I have ever tasted. Its a must try if you love tea! Another thing that happened at the beginning of the week was one of our fish...the black one is having some issues. I am not sure what is going on with him but I think he is dying. I bought a lot of stuff to help him but I have noticed much of a difference yet. I think he might be dying. Idk.

Before I knew it, I was dragging out the suitcases and getting us packed up for our Louisiana trip. It wasn't a vacation or anything. We have some issues going on with our son and had to go down to a court hearing. We drove 10 hours one way down there and finally flopped in a hotel bed on Wednesday night and quickly fell asleep. The next morning we got up and headed to the court house. I can't really speak of the details but I will say things went better from expected. We were able to see him and hold him. It was so much better than expected. Right after the hearing we were back in the car and heading home. I love Atlanta at night. Its such a big city that goes on and on. It's quiet a beautiful city. We were so thankful when we got into town and then even more grateful when we saw our house. I am not a fan of living here but it sure felt good to be home. Cooper was so happy.. all the kitty cats were smelling all our stuff and purring non stop. It was a big love fest and then we all settled into our beds ( it was after midnight ) and we just needed to relax in our own spaces for a while. After all, being cooped up in a car for 2 days is always harder than what it sounds. If you want to see the vlog from the trip... it's right here. Friday it started raining and never stopped. Scott went to work and Jackson had school but I took the day to catch up on computer work while it poured down. The rain certainly did nothing in terms of motivation.

Saturday I got myself together, got a list of the things we really needed and headed out. I really am trying to be more simplistic and not buy as much. It's not easy though. I was thinking about clutter and how I have been doing my best to get rid of things but then I had a light bulb's ok to keep stuff....just not in the hoarder kind of way. I mean, it has taken me 39 years to gather the stuff up that I like and love. So instead of tossing a lot of it out, I might just have to reorganize it better. :) But I am still all for decluttering....but just sensible.

Sunday came around and we all just had the most lazy, relaxing family day. It's nice when we are all here together. Sometimes it is hard though being the only girl in the house! But we had a great time just hanging out...playing games, watching movies, talking and having a nice dinner together. Scott works so late most week nights that we don't get to have a sit down dinner together. During the school year, I have to make sure Jackson has dinner earlier than 8:30 so...last night we were all able to sit down and eat together. I loved it with the exception of how slow my pickey eater eats. Where it takes us about 20 minutes to eat dinner, little Jackson normally takes double that. As the night came upon us, I so enjoyed Downton Abbey in front of a warm crackling fire. It was the perfect way to end the weekend!

This weeks to dos
  • Start cleaning as soon as I finish this blog post. 
  • Work on papers for social worker
  • Kiss the boys more. 
  • Mail Brittany's new phone...shes waiting. 
  • Pray more. 
  • Write thank you notes for gifts that came through the PO Box....actually need to probably buy some new thank you cards first! 
  • Bath all the kitty cats...they really need it. 
  • Call and check on Grandma. 
  • Go get hair cut before I start chopping it off on my own. 
  • Update pinterest. 
  • Put Cooper on the treadmill more. 
  • Bring in firewood for the cold week ahead. 
  • Clean up DVR's... a TON of great shows are coming on this week! When your a stay at home wife and mom sometimes the simplest of things are cause for excitement! 
  • Work on replying to emails and comments each day. 
  • Take a drink of water every 90 minutes. Just something I am working on to get more water in me. 
  • Put up laundry....story of my life! 
  • Balance the check book... a job I hate. 
  • Sit up straight more...I think its better for my back. 
  • Clean out under the couch cushions. 
  • Try for 8 hours of sleep at night. 
  • Check in on my sister in law and see what she has been up to! 
  • De-clutter closet. Time to change up my body is not the same as it us to be and I just have to accept it! 
  • Look for a new puff quilt for the master bedroom. 
  • Finish some blog maintenance. 
  • Buy the ring I have been wanting. 
  • Start the daily challenges back up on Instagram. I took off a few days but got to get back at it! Do you follow!? → If not You totally should!  Instagram
  • Drink less coffee and more tea. 
  • Check PO Box
  • Organize Jackson's backpack... its a total mess! 

Here's some inspiration to take with you through the week:

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you are having an amazing Monday. I have some more cleaning to do today...and I also have a bunch of emails and comments that I need to try to get to sometime this evening. Just a typical busy Monday. I'll be back later this evening with another video...stay tuned!

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