Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. Monday's vlog will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and Thursdays vlog will be for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Actually I might be adding more vlogs in during the week...depending on how much I vlog.
Here's what went on around here this past week:
Today I am actually running behind with everything. Jackson and I both slept in and I have yet to start my weekly cleaning. Good thing Scott won't be home until around 8pm tonight. Once I get this blog post done, I have a lot to do. :) Grab some coffee and a snack and enjoy 35 minutes with our family!
We have to be in court regarding Zane this week and I have been trying to prepare things for our trip. I am not sure we are even going to get to speak with him but I wanted to print out a couple pictures that I love, put a note on the back and maybe give it to him or the social workers. Whatever I can do. So I got the pictures done and I got the note written. I am just not looking forward to this trip. I know it will be super uncomfortable and sad. But its something we have to do. We need to be there for him.
On Sunday Scott and Jackson went fishing. It was a bit windy and they didn't catch anything but both had a great time. It's nice when they get out and actually do boy things. Things I don't really enjoy doing. I stayed home...cleaned, did laundry and worked on the computer. I was happy to see that the weather will be warming up this week. Who knows if it will last or not but I hope it just keeps getting warmer and warmer! I need fresh air, sunshine, birds chirping. Come on spring!
Scott came home and enjoyed the Kentucky game while laying in the bed with wild kingdom. Yea, no thanks. I hate animals in the bed. Jackson stayed busy on xbox all evening and I finally relaxed the night away in a long hot bath and some youtube videos.
Also, while Scott was watching the game, I worked on getting a new tea video and giveaway.
Your Tea sent me the 14 Tiny Teatox to try out and are also hosting a giveaway. If you want to get entered or see how this tea helped me, click here! I am hoping to get a new updated everyday tea time video up by the end of the month of next month showing you some of my current favorites. I had to get this up because they sent it to me in early December. I had so much going on that I waited to test it out but it was worth the wait! I also having another giveaway going on after this one ends.
Lots of things going on this week...here's my to do's. :)
- Hurry through weekly cleaning this evening.
- Pre record videos for when we are traveling. Also going to try to get some blog posts done early too.
- Look for new laptop
- Work on pantry inventory list.
- Talk to the housesitter about when we need her.
- Figure out what to pack for court in Louisiana
- Mail Brittany's new phone.
- Clean up desk.
- Email cruise info to Marjorie & Keith
- Chalkboard walls.
- Maybe buy circus tickets. Not sure going is the right thing to do but Jackson really wants to go.
- Get a hold of our oldest daughter. I know she has her hands full but I want to check in on her! I just ordered the baby this adorable gift.
- Still need to get my hair trimmed.
- Work in garage a couple hours tomorrow.
- Send Jackson out to check the mail! :)
- Clean out frig before we leave.
- Call Jackson's school tomorrow to let them know what days he will be missing.
- Update family chalkboard wall.
- work on filling out some home keeping book pages.
- Get Ulta shopping list together. I am going to be buying some serious makeup.
- Confirm hotel.
- Clean litter boxes
- Respond to instagram comments. Do you follow!? You totally should!
- Clean oven.
- Stop stop stop buying movies on amazon instant video. Its another new obsession of mine. I love being able to buy them instead of just being able to rent them on demand.
- Clean up the laundry room. Its a total mess.
- Look for free samples to share....I have gotten a little behind with this.
- Try to curse less. Really really trying. My mom even said... " It's ok honey.. your upset. "
- Answer emails, comments, and facebook messages. Also still need to update Pinterest.
- Get dinner thawing out otherwise it will be pancakes and bacon.
- Get Jackson to fold towels.
- Brush out Cooper
Here's some inspiration to take along with you through the week. ♥
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you are having an amazing Monday. I am anxious for what is to come this week but I am really trying to let God take over and let it be. It's hard but some things are out of our control no matter how much we want it the other way. So the beginning of the week is all about cleaning things up and packing.... in the middle we will be making a 11 hour drive one way, go to court and drive home and the end of the week should be us resting and recouping from the trip. I will be vlogging a little more probably with traveling and will share them when we get back.
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