Yesterday was a busy day for me. I got a lot done along with running a bunch of errands. It's so easy for me to get distracted. A lot of times I will start one thing, see something else that needs done and it goes on and on. However, yesterday I stuck with just one task at a time. I almost strayed a few times but I remember the importance of not getting distracted and didn't allow myself to wonder off on random things. It helped a lot too. I had a ton of mail to deal with...which can be overwhelming but I sorted it all out and went through it one envelope at a time. I still have a lot of replies to do but at least its not in a larges stack on my desk. My new home keeping book has been working wonders on keeping the clutter down. I can't wait to show it to you guys but I wanted to use it for a month or so to make sure it really is working for our family. Stay tuned!
I really need to be getting up to do other stuff too. I have a ton of things on my to do list.↓ But my motivation is lost and I can't find it. I had the thought to get my hair cut but that sure isn't happen this evening so maybe tomorrow or Monday. I still want to try to get a lot done tonight. My husband always says I am the most busy person who does not work outside the home that he knows. Ha! I am not feeling that way today but it's still kinda early for me. Scott won't be home for a while so its all good! Plus I stay up late anyway. Here's basically a copy of this weekends to do list that is in our home keeping book. I'm serious... I really can't wait to share it with you! :)
I will be back later tonight with a new vlog. xx