Long Day

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Late night hello to everyone. I doubt many of you will be reading this till morning.. So happy Saturday!! I hope you all have a beautiful day. Its 230 am here and by time this is posted will be around 3 am. I am not too tired so I feel like trying to get to sleep might be a problem. Its just next to impossible for me to fall asleep.. and right now my ambien is working.. I guess I could double dose but getting up is much harder doing that..I guess it don't matter much..I can sleep in tomorrow. Husby should be out of work early but never know.. if people are buying cars, the doors are staying open.

Scott and I had a pretty quiet night. We did some running after he got off work, then came home and watched movies. At 11am he was having trouble keeping his eyes open. What opposites we are. I am sure if I was getting up as early as he was every day, I would have to eventually fall asleep! Thankfully I don't have to keep the same schedule as he does! I am just thankful that hes mature and works very hard for us.. I couldn't have dreamed up a better husband.

Ohhh.. guess what.. got another ticket today..

I kid you not... and this time they didn't just give me a ticket.. I got a court date too because I was so going so fast.. perfect huh? I also got a warning for not switching my license over yet. My speed was pretty bad.. I wasn't paying attention and was going 80 in a 50. Now mind you, there wasn't much traffic out and its a 4 lane highway.. Scott was none too happy. He is worried about the insurance going up.. even threatens to take away my car if I keep getting tickets. The police officer told me that ~ he never forgets a face and that he lives close to me ~ and I about died. Damn..what's that mean? I am really thinking I am going to try to fight this one. What's the worst that can happen.. I have to pay the ticket and court fees? I need to really start paying attention. At this point, I have been pulled over by my city police, the police in the town over and now the state patrol. Yea.. not looking so good for me is it? I got to pay attention and slow down. My mom told me to start using cruise control and now I think I better!

I got a comment tonight from a reader that pretty much said that ~ It was in appropriate for me to post what I pay for something and no one needs to know it. ~ in regard the the CVS HAUL I emailed her back but I felt that maybe I should say something on here too. First off... I don't brag about how much I spend on anything. I try more than anything to save money. I do buy some high end make up but I don't talk about it much. Most of my friends and family have homes and children to pay for and can't afford high end make up. I like to try a lot of things so drug store make up is better for me to be able to do that... cost wise.. any beauty blog out there that is talking about make up is going to tell prices. Its not a bragging issue.. its for someone else who is interested in it.. and needs to know the price. That's all. So hopefully you all understand why I put prices with make up. Tonight when I did the haul it was just a rounded down number but when the reviews are posted, it will have the actual price I paid. I hope most of you understand its not a bragging type of thing!

Well its after 3am now and I need to try to get to sleep. Have a great weekend!

K Jaggers

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