♥ 9 Week Pregnancy Update ♥ Video

Friday, May 12, 2017

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great day. I am back sharing a new pregnancy update going over week 9. I love being able to record these videos with all the symptoms and everything going to have to look back on one day. I also love being able to share this experience with you too. Here is how week 9 has been going. Hope you enjoy! 

This is such an exciting time in my life. I know some think I am crazy having a baby at 41 and even talking about having more afterwards. You never know right!? I am excited about adding to our family. I think Ryan and the kids feel exactly the same. Life is ever changing...ever growing and full of surprises. Thanks so much for stopping by. I'll see ya soon plus have another update for you next week! xx

1 comment on "♥ 9 Week Pregnancy Update ♥ Video"
  1. Congratulations again! I had my second at 42 (August 2015), so in my opinion you are never to old to have a baby.


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