Hello everyone! Hope you are having a beautiful day!
Around here in the Carolina's the weather has changed again. Its 68 degrees. Can you believe it? As soon as I got up, I opened all the windows and letting some fresh air flow through the house. I don't know what is up with the weather. Just last night we had the fireplace and heat going.. then today we have the windows open. The weather here is just too hard to try to figure out. I think the rest of the week its suppose to be in the low 50's.. but I am sure taking advantage of the warm weather. I might even take the dog for a walk later and I hope husby doesn't have to work late. I want him home so we can enjoy the beautiful day together! I actually think he was running late this morning. The coffee wasn't touched and you can't even tell that he was here this morning.. so my guess is husby was running late!
When we went out to dinner last night, I met Scott at the dealership, and left my car there. Then coming home, we both forgot to stop and pick it up. So I am stuck at home today until he gets home. I can't say its not for the best after my ticket yesterday. It might just be best that I keep my ass at home for a while! Not like I don't have plenty to do around here too. I really need to get the tree down yet I just keep putting it off. Its in the front of the house in the study and no one see's it unless they are in that part of the house. The blinds are closed and no one from the outside can see it but it really needs to come down. I think part of the reason, I am not wanting to do it is I have to pack all those beautiful ornaments in tissue paper making it a even longer job to do. Maybe I can talk Scott into helping me too!
I am having the weirdest thing going on with my ear.. Yep.. ear.. the outside of my ear has really been hurting.. I looked in the mirror really close at it and its all scrapped up. Just like when you skin your knee..how in the world would that happen without me knowing it? Well.. after long thought, I think I have figured it out. The day before I found my kitty necklace that I wear ALL THE TIME, in my bed. I am guessing it some how got up to my ear while sleeping and I pulled it off. How would I not wake to that? Who knows.. but it hurts like hell!
I am trying to get to emails today.. I am just sitting here watching the movie ~ The Queen ~ anyway.. so I am getting into my emails. If you haven't received a response from me yet, be expecting one today!
Hope you have a great day!
Talk to you in a bit now!
K Jaggers
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