Monday Movie Review : The Master

Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy Monday Friends! Time for your Monday Movie Review! 

I watched this movie a while ago and just now getting around to reviewing it..but I had to do a post because this was a very profound movie..

Here's what it is about...

A striking portrait of drifters and seekers in post World War II America, Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master unfolds the journey of a Naval veteran (Joaquin Phoenix) who arrives home from war unsettled and uncertain of his future - until he is tantalized by The Cause and its charismatic leader (Philip Seymour Hoffman). -- (C) Weinstein

You would have to live under a rock if you haven't heard of this movie. Its suppose to be loosely based on Scientology but there is never any mention of it in the movie. With Philip Seymour Hoffman in the lead, The Master brought in over $700,000 in just five theaters in New York and Los Angeles. The per-screen average of $145,949, is a new record for a speciality film opening in limited release. 

When I watched this movie I was shocked at how good it was. I think all the actors did an amazing job with their characters. I particularly liked Amy Adams. I thought she was amazing. Joaquin Phoenix was brilliant as was Phillip Seymour Hoffman. 

Pretty much the story line is Freddie ( played by Joaquin Phoenix ) was a total mess coming out of the Second World War. He would drink anything in front of him including paint thinner. He's very self destructive.. fighting, masturbating in the ocean in front of this fellow sailors.. he was just a mess. 

He finds himself meeting a new group of people who claim they can help him. So he starts learning their way of life.. including reading the core books, attending lectures.. just absorbing himself in the process. During this time you can see how a new religion is formed. It was kinda weird though.. They did the auditing thing.. with all the crazy questions.. I wonder if they really believe God cares about stuff??? It was interesting to watch none the less. 

Here's the trailer..

This is such heart felt story about two men who may be polar opposites in some regards but at the same time both really need one another and learn from one another but in the end both know that they must go separate ways. . I found Jaoquin Phoenix's portrayal beautiful and sat.. in fact,  it brought me to tears as did many other parts of the movie.

I am giving this movie

I thought it was a pretty interesting even though there were parts I didn't like. The performances were outstanding.  I think its a hard film for many of us to love..and easy to hate. I didn't love it but I found it incredibly interesting.  I thought the end was surprising and a little shocking but still the movie held my interest till the very end. 

I think this is a great movie to sit back and watch. Its not for kids so make sure they are in bed before you turn it on.

Have you watched it? What did you think?

K Jaggers
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