A-Z Challenge [ M is for : My Mom ]

Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy Tuesday Friends!  Today with the A-Z Blog Challenge its the letter 


M is for My Mom. There is a lot I could say about my mom because she truly is one of my best friends, but still a mom at the same time. She has been so loving and loyal to me. She has helped me at every turn and is someone I love very very much. 

There are days when we talk 5 -6 times. To go a day without speaking to her would totally be weird..and when that does happen, it stands out.

My fathers parents raised me for the most part but my mom was ALWAYS there. She didn't go away and as I started to get older and drive, our relationship totally changed. I was able to go see her anytime I wanted..which was nice! She has always been there for both my sister and I and I know we both love her with all of our hearts.

She loves to surprise and spoil me. In fact a box of purses came in the mail today! Thank you mom! The gifts are nice and all but shes way more special that a material gift. 

Now she lives in Texas with her significant other.. She blogs over at Life According to Lenetta... yes, she blogs! So check her out and say hi when you can! 

I couldn't be more blessed with my mom. She really does play the part of mom and dad for me. I love you mom! 


K Jaggers

4 comments on "A-Z Challenge [ M is for : My Mom ]"
  1. Nice thought for M. What would we be without our Mums? Love the Blogpost!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. @ Lisa.. Yes, she loves it!! Its just a great way to document your day to day life!

    @ Sunday Visitor.. I would be lost without her! Thanks for the sweet comment!

    Hope you both have a wonderful Tuesday!


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