Hello!! I feel so behind with everything. But as I lay here my brain can't shut off... So I thought I would just share some of my random thoughts from tonight.. its always crazy how much I come alive when the sun sets.
♥ Today was rather lazy. Both Scott and Brandon was home today..not easy to get motivated when others are in the house. Why is that?
♥ Speaking of Brandon.. the Air Force meeting went good.. Looks like he might be leaving out sometime in March. Wow.. he seems excited!
♥ Jackson tricked Scott again this morning. This I left a note telling Jackson if he lost any stamps in his planner today then he would loose tv tonight. So guess what he did? He hid his planner in the morning before they left for school. .His response.. He just didn't want to take the chance. Oh my.. he lost tv anyway.. I wasn't too happy with him tonight. And when I asked him about it at first he denied doing it on purpose.. but he fessed up.
♥ And he did homework and studied all evening...which was good for him.
♥ My husband drove me crazy all day with his high energy.. it was a little much. But we did have some great laughs.
♥ I am seriously thinking about having
Romeo shaved. His coat is so thick.. and I think we would make him look like a little lion or something.. I can't do it myself but I bet he would love it!
♥ The best thing about dinner tonight was this
peach crumble I made.
♥ My neck felt much better today.. but its still sore.
♥ Working on many videos tomorrow. I have one coming up for Downton Abbey, Lets Talk Series, and a few reviews. So hopefully I can wake up early and get started.
♥ Waking up early totally sucks. But I guess that's what it is going to take for Jackson to stop tricking Scott.
♥ Laying here watching Under the Tuscan Sun... makes me want to pack and move to Italy. Yes Please.
♥ We are moving.. but not to Italy. Instead we are moving to the sunshine state after school is out for Jackson. We are just in the beginning of planning.. but I can't wait to go. I wish we could leave tomorrow.
♥ Trying to figure out the logistics for getting all the kids to us this summer isn't easy.
We have a lot to figure out.
♥ The conversations I have had through emails this week have been totally unexpected. To be honest.. I am still having those conversations in my head even now. Why do you always think of things you should have said later?
♥ Got a lot of desk work done.. but still so much paperwork. I don't know how we accumulate so much paper and such.
♥ Sorry about the lack of pictures on Instagram. With not feeling good... I haven't took many pictures.
♥ I still haven't seen
Gypsy eat dry food. Not once.. I tried not feeding her all day so she would try the dry.. Nope. Just a few minutes ago.. I gave in and opened a can for her. I'm such a push over!
♥ Speaking of pets.. Super Cooper has been working out daily..
He has so much energy and this is great for days it rains when we can really play ball or walk outside.
♥ Even though my husband was a giant pain in the ass tonight he did start my morning with
some yummy coffee. Thank you Thank you baby.. You have no idea how much that meant to me.
♥ I am working on a grocery list and will probably go on Thursday. Plan on doing a food haul too. Food hauls are always so fun! I love watching them as much as I like doing them myself! I could buggie watch for hours!
♥ Oh.. I have another giveaway coming up soon.. Need to make a video for that too!!! Told you.. lots of videos coming up!
♥ Ohhhh.. speaking of giveaways, Erin from 3 Sons I Have picked the
green butter dish! I hope she loves it!
♥ Currently working on some beauty reviews. Its hard because I got so many new products that I keep changing back and forth. But I have already found some new loves.. can't wait to share!
♥ Today I did my make up in about 6 minutes.. smokey eye too! I was trying to see how fast I could do it.. and in 5 minutes.. I looked pretty good!
♥ Shanna.. the world is going mad all around us isn't it? What are we going to do?
♥ This next Sunday while Downton Abbey is on.. I am going to tweet live through out the hour about my thoughts.. come join me! If you need to catch up.. go rent the series.. its amazing. I love it and can't wait to talk about it!!
♥ I want new furniture after we move.. Florida Furniture.. Something like this..
Get the idea.. God, I am ready for a change. Hurry up Summer..
♥ I got offered a job opportunity with the blog tonight. It will be interesting to see if it works out!
♥ I miss Brittany Belle.. I really want her to come back home. Pack Brittany!!
♥ Thank you for all the comments. I have replied to as many as I can. I love hearing from each one of you..lets keep talking!
♥ I really think the icy heat patches are helping my neck.. Thank you Shanna for the suggestion.. they are working great and I am getting ready to put another one right now.. its time for bed!
Well.. you guys got inside of my head for a few minutes.. see.. lots going on! Some how I have to shut off that off.. and start dreaming.
Have a great Wednesday! I'll talk to you tomorrow morning.
K Jaggers
OH MY GOSH your cat!!!! You have the cutest cat I've ever seen (besides my own but I'm bias! hahah). I love the big white fur! Don't shave!!!!