Belated Monday Movie Review: Carnage

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I know this is not a new movie.. but recently I watched it for the first time and being Jodi Foster had one of the BEST SPEECHES at the Globes... I thought what a better time to review this movie. 

First check out her speech at this years Golden Globes.. amazing.. sheer amazing..

Was that not beautiful? 

Now on to 

First off, this is a Roman Polanski movie. If you are not aware of his work.. you have missed out. With this movie uses one location, and only four characters who spend most of the film sitting/standing around talking or shouting at each other...yet the move is very engaging and entertaining. Jodi Foster is amazing as always. But more about that in a minute.. 

Here's what the movie is about..

Carnage is a razor sharp, biting comedy centered on parental differences. After two boys duke it out on a playground, the parents of the "victim" invite the parents of the "bully" over to work out their issues. A polite discussion of childrearing soon escalates into verbal warfare, with all four parents revealing their true colors. None of them will escape the carnage. -- (C) Sony Pictures Classics

Check out the trailer.. 

So you can see the cast is amazing. You have.. 

Jodi Foster
Kate Winslet
Christoph Waltz
John C. Willey

I don't know how I missed watching this when it first came out in 2011.  But this movie kept me watching and watching and watching. As I said.. it pretty much only takes place in 1 room.. and only with these 4 characters. Its all dialog and all 4.. not just Jodi are freaking amazing. It starts out good.. and then they all go to shit by time they are done. 

Scott watched this movie too and enjoyed it just as much. There is laughter and tears through out this film. Lets face it.. it has 3 top actors in it.. Jodi, Kate and Christoph. I mean this is a role of a lifetime for Christoph. He does amazing work with dialog parts. Remember him in Inglorious Bastards? He's amazing. And Kate Winslet has gotten better and better. I have adored Jodi Foster for a long time and felt she did some of her best work in this film. I am not a huge fan of John Willey.. but he held his own in this film too. 

I really thought this was a great movie and giving it 

5 happy stars!! If you see this one.. ( I found it on Stars on demand ) or at the movie store you might want to not pass it by. Its more of a intellectual type of movie... as I said it all dialog.. but it sucks you in really fast. 

Loved it! 

K Jaggers

7 comments on "Belated Monday Movie Review: Carnage"
  1. love your blog, and definitely following back!
    do you live in france currently? my favorite place! coming to paris next month! XOXO

  2. This movie looks really good, I'll have to check it out sometime soon.
    I'm a new follower through the GFC hop, I'd love for you to come by and check my blog out.

  3. Wow! I've never heard of this movie but it looks great! I'll have to watch it. :-)

  4. I can't believe I've never heard of this film before considering it has three of my favourite actors and one of my favourite directors aha! Looks amazing, I'm definitely going to have to buy it!

    Great post!

  5. Hi Kisha, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  6. @ emi...nice to meet you..and sadly I do not live in France. I come from a huge French family but I am here in North Carolina!

    @ Elizabeth..It was really good.. and I am following you back! Nice to meet you!

    @ Susannah ..its a good one.. and I was surprised I hadn't seen it sooner myself!

    @ Samantha.. The cast is amazing.. they just take over and suck you right in.

  7. @ Chris.. thanks so much.. and I am following you back now! Happy New Year!


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