A " Sickley " Tuesday.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Hello you guys!!

I hope each and everyone of you had a great beginning to November!!

Around here today our beginning came in the form of ..

a sick husby.. I mean he just was miserable all day..

I kept him dosed up with ..

this stuff but I don't think any of it did much good. He stayed grumpy and was wanting love and to be babied most of the day and night.

For dinner I made him..

Grilled Cheese and Chicken Noodle Soup.. And NO.. I didn't make homemade soup! I took the easy way out tonight.. But this was perfect for a sick husby!

For myself I just had ..

a simple frozen meal of

Pasta.. You guys know me by now.. I'm a pasta girl!! Even this frozen Stouffers pasta makes me happy!!

Tonight I also got some new bedding on put on..

My friend Courtney just bought this set a few months ago and with Michael moving in.. it wouldn't fit his big king size bed..so she sent it over here along with her bed that we are storing for her.. Well.. she said I could use it.. but I really was hesitant because what if something happened to it while I was using it.. What if I stained it or a cat tore it up or something.. So we struck up a deal and I bought it!! I still have to pay her when I see her but I am happy now that I know if something happens to it.. she won't be upset!!

As you can see its really pretty and its really soft.. and now that I washed it and added a TON of downy softener it is super soft and smells amazing!! And it's waiting on me to curl up in! I know most of you know by now.. I choose to sleep in my own room most nights. I am planning on doing a post on it on Thursday ( married life post ) but Scott really snores badly. I can't handle it. I have serious sleeping issues as it is and you add a loud bed hogging snoring husband and I would NEVER sleep! We do cuddle up every night but its in his bed in the other room! I will say this now and say this on Thursday.. Our sex life is great.. I am 100% serious. Sleeping in separate rooms doesn't effect it at all.. So don't send me emails about how this is going to damage our relationship.. in fact, I think it has saved our relationship!! =) And when I do start missing him, I just go curl up next to him anytime I want!

I stayed pretty busy today. He slept the majority of the day so I worked around the house and found ways to be quiet.. I got so many things checked off my list including..

 God knows, I get so tired of this job but what makes me really feel good is looking at..

This is the shelf in the laundry room that gets soooo much use. It does make me a bit lazy about putting the clothes away but with it just Scott and I, we don't mind getting clothes out of the laundry room.

this basket empty. This is the laundry basket that sits outside the laundry room that gets filled up fast! I love when its empty!! Laundry is always such a big job around here. I still don't know how 2 people can make so much dirty laundry!

After Scott got woke up.. I finally got to

vacuum the house. I didn't want to wake him so I didn't get this done till after 8 pm. But another job that I am sure happy to have done. Everything is pretty much done down here except for the study.. I still have more unpacking in there that is waiting on me. I don't know why I haven't done it yet but the clock is ticking and I need to get my ass motivated to get that room done! Maybe Thursday I will take time to work in there.

Tomorrow I am hoping to get the upstairs cleaned up a bit more. We have a spare room that needs a lot of work. We still have mattress's leaned up against the wall and stuff just stored in there but I am tired of that. I want to make it really nice and comfortable for guest. I need to buy some additional furniture to go into that room but I don't want to spend a lot right now. With the holidays coming up.. I have plenty of things to spend $ on.. I am hoping to find some nice pieces around the thrift markets to put in there. I think I will start working on cleaning it up and organizing it a bit more tomorrow.

Sooooo.. did you guys watch Dancing with the Stars tonight? I sure didn't really care for Justin Bieber. I was happy that David Arquette was the one that went home. I just don't care for him. I think he is a immature child trapped in a man's body and I don't find that attractive.. and I wanted to see Nancy Grace go on for another week! I thought she really might be going home tonight but she didn't! But she it won't be long before she is eliminated..

I didn't show any of my favorite dances from last night.. There wasn't many but this one.. by far was my favorite!!

Her partner..Derek Hough is one FABULOUS Dancer.. I love Max the most but I sure love watching Derek!! They look great together!!

While I have been writing this pretty easy post, it has took much longer than normal because I am watching the old movie ~ Out of Africa ~ and I am hooked.. Its hard to look away and type!

If you guys didn't see my post yet about comparing the Maybelline Eye Studio Gel Liner to the Loreal Lineur Felt Tip liner.. You should!! Click → HERE ← to get to it. The difference between the two is pretty evident when you see the pictures. Now I should have put on that post that I think with the Gel liner.. the brush is what really made me not like it that much.. but also if you are going to be trying the Loreal Lineur liner be sure to get the FELT TIP and not the brush..It makes all the difference.. Also one of my friends on facebook sent me a link to another felt tip liner from the Maybelline Stiletto line. I haven't even see it out yet!! But tomorrow.. I am going to be on the hunt for it.. Super excited about that!! If any of you guys have tried it send me an email ~ kishajaggers@aol.com ~ and let me know your thoughts on it and where you found it! And of course if you have any thoughts on the other ones I posted by all means.. let me know!! You guys can always get a hold of me on my Personal Facebook Page ( if we are not friends on there and you would like to be.. all you have to do is send me a request with a small message telling me you are a blogging friend ) and I will be sure to accept you! You guys know my email by now.. I try to include it on most post.. and its at the top right side of this blog. I wish I could say I use my Twitter account but I just don't use it as much as I would like.. I simply forget!! But if you do contact me on there.. I will be sure to get back with you! I get a lot of emails now that I have disabled comments.. so if I don't get right back to you.. don't worry.. I WILL.. I try to sort them out every day and put them in the right folders.. ( blogging, personal, job related, etc ) and then I answer them. I love hearing from you guys and I value what you have to say! Tonight I learned of a new eye liner via facebook!! I love facebook.. and that is by far the fastest way to contact me.. besides calling or texting!

Its 2am here and I am going to finish watching this movie and get to bed!!

Swagger Jaggers has already beat me...

to sleep!! Is he just not the most precious thing ever??????

I am in love with these babies.. I just can't stop kissing them!! They consume me. Besides my children and husband, I can't think of anything else that has brought me this much happiness. I have to sell some of them but what you guys don't know is.. I am taking some of the money from selling them and buying another male that can breed with both Gabby and Willow and I am not any where near ready to stop this business.. I am grow it.. and Kisha's House of Persians is going to keep going! Husby hasn't heard this new plan yet but I am sure he will be ok with it.. He just wants me to be happy and believe it or not.. he loves these kittens as much as I do!
Have a great Wednesday Morning!!

Ohhh.. I forgot.. I have many pictures of the kids coming up tomorrow.. videos too!! Stay tuned!! Thank you mom! I love you with all my ♥


K Jaggers

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