................................Packing News...............................
Its been a busy day around here. I did wake up late ~ As Always ~ .. Even though I got a late start.. It was a productive day. I didn't know that packing was going to be such a complex job today. I still hadn't got out all my summer clothes, so I just started grabbing clothes.. came out in the living room.. shut the blinds and started trying on clothes. Once I figured out what fit and was in good shape.. I started laying my clothes out by outfits. I do not like surprises so I like everything to be organized and packed well.. My husband on the other hand prefers a stack of shirts, pants, shorts, etc and he will decide what to put together day by day. For me its so much easier to get it the clothes all matched up and put together so I can just grab and go!
As you can see.. everything of mine sorted.. Pants and shirts.. I also had the shoes on the floor that I am wearing with each but I didn't get a picture. I tried to pick out shoes that I could use over and over with different outfits. I think I am only taking 5 pairs.
With some things I picked out a couple different tops to go with it and I will decide later depending on weather which one to wear.
Scott's piles..=)
Then this evening I got most of the clothes packed in the suit cases.
One for me.. One for Scott.. and a over night bag for the hotel.. Plus kitty bag!
Here is Gabby.. I think she knows she is going some where!
We had some friends come over this evening. I went out to run to Walmart around 6 to pick some things up and while I was out a friend texted me and told me her electric was out because of a big storm we had. She was only about 2 miles away. So I picked her up and told Scott to tell her husband that he can just come here to get her. So they were here.. I figured they mise well stay for dinner.. So we had some gourmet hamburgers and onion rings...Easy fast dinner. They left shortly after and when they got back home their power was on! =0)
................................Love News..............................
My husband brought home some very sweet smelling..
flowers!! I love flowers.. I love when he thinks about me.. and I love him more than anything. I am so thankful for having a happy, loving, caring relationship. I don't know how it happened to me. At first I was waiting for something horrible to happen but 8 years in.. I am more in love with him now than in the beginning! Thank you sweet heart.. I love them!
..............................Beauty News...............................
After they left.. I enjoyed a hot bath and decided to try that new OPI Crackle Polish on my toes..
I went with a red base..
Added the black...waited..
And it did crackle.. I wonder how it does that! I am not really fond of color on my nails or toes but this was kinda fun. I was going to head to the nail shop tomorrow but mom scheduled a girls day on Saturday where we are doing nails and pedicures so I am going to wait till then to switch it up. I can almost bed Scott isn't going to like this!! I will let you guys know if he says anything. He was in bed when I did it but he does not like color much either. I think he is so use to seeing me with my nails very light in color , french manicure or just clear polish alone. But sometimes its fun to try something different!
..................................Schedule News.................................
My calender has been my life saver the past few days..
Notes on everything..
I think a binder of graph paper is one of the handiest things to have. I write so many notes that I have a ton of binders and its so handy.. There have been many times I have looked for something a year or two before and I end up finding it in a notebook.. Graph paper is just a favorite of mine.. This page has a lot of things to do before we leave for Texas.
Grocery list and also a note started for the house sitter!
See the blue??
Thats all V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!!!
and on into the next week!!!
Sooooo excited!
Tomorrow is all about shopping and getting things for the trip. I realized that I only had 1 pair of shorts that I liked so I am getting a few more pairs and I have kitty stuff to get.. snacks.. and a few things for Scott too. Then tomorrow night I have to get the house cleaned up.. On Saturday.. I finish packing the toiletries, and electronics...plus I need to change the sheets and do last minute packing and picking up. My friend is going to be here around 3 pm to watch the house..Cooper.. and Giovanni. We should be leaving by 4 or 430.. She is the first house sitter that we have ever had that comes early.. The others always showed up after we left.. I kinda like that she comes early..It gives me a few minutes to go over last minute details with her. I think her boyfriend is going to come stay with her too and I hope they have a great time here!!!
.........................Kitten News...........................
Well my babies have been running all over the house right now.. In fact 2 of them are on my big purple purse! I am just so in love!! I couldn't be more blessed to have a healthily mom and 3 healthy happy kittens!
Here are some of my favorite pictures of the night!
Here they are just getting set free for play time!!!
Let the races begin!
I posted this picture on facebook a little while ago... I think that if you don't think this is just one the cutest kittens ever.. I would have to question your sanity! This is the only male.. Giovanni Jr..
Here is kitten # 3 ~ Willow ~ on the go!!
I couldn't get kitten # 2 to pose for the camera.. =( It just wasn't working!
This was free time before bed...
Horse play!
I think these kittens are so adorable! How cute is he!
They are so innocent.. everything is new and fun to them!
These kittens are sure getting use to the flash hitting them in the face!
Tough Guy!
He's such a little ham!
I liked how the flash blew this picture out..
There they go!
I ended up putting them into their bed and ...
I got this great picture of Gabby jumping in! I soooo love this picture!
There they are!
Not too sleepy yet!
Wild man..
Sisters snuggling up..
and here was the 5 am feeding.. =/
The kids are going to have so much fun with them!!!
.......................................Other News......................................
I got a email tonight from my * pen pal * with a couple of attached photos that I must talk about.. First I had in my head that she was a blond surfer kinda girl.. Guess that's what I think all women in California looks like ( I know.. I am a dumb ass sometimes! ) and the picture I got was amazing!! D.T. you are absolutely beautiful!! I think you and your husband make a beautiful couple!!! Thank you so much for the pictures! I am going to do my best to respond to the email tomorrow or tomorrow night sometime and if I don't get it done then.. I will finish it on Saturday! Definitely want to respond before we take off to Texas!! And.. get that camera out and start documenting your guys life! Its amazing to be able to look back through the years and see how much you have changed! xoxo
I will be trying to blog when I can before bed while I am in Texas.. But my mom has got a busy schedule for us so there is no guarantee that I will be able to. I want to check in and say hi when I can but I am going to be exhausted and I am going to need to sleep when I can! But I will try to check in every couple days! I will for sure have to download pictures nightly! My camera is going to get worked to death! I am also going to try to get mom to take some really nice professional pictures of Scott and me with the kids and also get lots of great pictures of the kittens! I am sure she will do it! She told me a few nights ago that her Don is a cat lover! He just moved up the ladder with me! He has to be a great man to allow me to bring 4 cats into his home! Thanks Don.. and Mom!
Well this post is forever long.. Hope you guys don't mind!! Since you are not going to be hearing too much of me in the upcoming week...I thought it best to talk now! And there is plenty of things to check out while I am gone.. You can go through some of the older archives and there is also a list of great blogs on the left bottom that you can check out too if you have time!
Tonight my phone is dead and I haven't even charged it yet. I am weird sometimes and I like privacy.. I knows that sounds crazy when I write a blog and play on facebook but the phone is never ending! It rings all the time.. and text and emails just over load me some days. So sorry mom and friends. I will get it charged when I go to bed and it will be working tomorrow!
Its really late 20 am and I have to spell check this long post and then make coffee and get to bed! Hope you guys all have a great Friday!
K Jaggers
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