Looooooong Day!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011
cute black cat Pictures, Images and Photos

Hello All...

Sorry I have not been on here today..I got up late, got dressed out the door I went and just now at 1:25 am I might have a few minutes to myself...

What a day.. I ran from the moment I got up and I didn't get half of what I wanted accomplished done.


Social Security Office was horrible..

I went in there with my papers in

hand and they sent me to get more and then rejected my papers for the second time..Oy!!!

I found them totally unhelpful and kinda lazy. It took close to 2 hrs and a 1/2 tank of gas just to deal with them. ( Due to privacy, I deleted some things )

Then by time I was finished with all that....I went to the store and did some shopping. I didn't even get done with that. I only managed to get house hold stuff without getting any pet food or supplies. I just ran through Walmart trying to remember everything we needed.

Then I barley got home and got the stuff unpacked from the car and brought into the house before it was time to leave to go clean up the dealership.. I was eating a sandwich trying to get things put away and out the door I went again.. Back to the dealership for the 4th time in just a few hours..

Last week I noticed a

Jeep Watch that the dealership had displayed...

I really thought it was kinda neat..I thought that the bright orange color stood out and would be a great watch for summer!

Scott was lucky enough to be able to get it for me..

and I love it! Super happy he was ablet to get it for me..It has sat in the display for a while now..and it does need a new battery..So taking it tomorrow for a new one..

But really appreciate Scott getting it for me!

Thank you baby..

We worked around the dealership for a little over an hour. Michael even stayed and helped us a little. He was going to dinner with us until Courtney called..So then it was just Scott and I at..

Sushi Dojo!

Here he is!

 ♥ My date ♥

We sat in the bar area and watched tv and enjoyed a great dinner!

Really Really good dinner! I loved it!

Then off to the mall we went..Scott did a little shopping and I was a bit tired and irritable so we were in and out...I think it was best...I really needed to get home and relax from a long day..Next we made it home and realized that my car was still at the dealership.We were suppose to pick it up after we finished shopping but we forgot..So back in the car we went for another 30 minute round trip. Ugh..I am getting tired just thinking about it all.

We both finally made it home...at this point my phone was dead..I think it had the right idea. I was where I was in need of recharging too. Once we get here I get the bright idea to watch a movie. Don't know what I was thinking with that..Scott wanted to watch it in bed and I didn't so it became a big deal..I guess I should have gave in and said ok but I didn't.. We watched it out in the living room and it wasn't too pleasant..The movie ended, Scott went to bed...I went to the shower... and now its just me and the animals still up..I am trying to get some of that " me " time in that I really need right now.. I am enjoying Oprah and then its off to bed to start another crazy day..

I need to do some shopping before Scott comes home and then I think we are going out shopping for more bargains, have fun and try to enjoy the day without any bickering..God knows I love that man..But there are times when I just wish he would listen a little better! I am sure many of you with husbands would understand this! Mine is a handful and he is always driving me crazy! I just want more laughs and smiles rather than nick picking..There is no time at this point in my life for stuff like this..I made it to the middle part of my life.No one knows how hard that actually was for me. But I am here..Older, Wiser, and know now that getting older is actually an honor. I don't mind it one bit. I love it. I feel better than ever. So I want this time in my life devoted to happiness and family more than anything..

Well its now almost 2:30 am and I got another busy day tomorrow..

Hope you all have a great Saturday!

I will talk to you in the afternoon!

K Jaggers
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