Rainy Day!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Just a quick hello! I am about to get ready to get up and and get dressed..I want to head out and get a little shopping done before Scott gets home. I have been trying to get to CVS for a while now but every day passes and I have no time.. So today I am making the time!

I didn't forget Friday's Favorites. I just had no extra time yesterday to get them up..But even though I am late, I am going to get them posted this weekend. So sorry!!! =)

Its a rainy gloomy day. Scott called a bit ago and said he is trying to figure out something fun we can do tonight. Who knows what we will be doing! I just hope we get along and have a good time. I might need to wear my rain boots out and about! I love them but Scott does not..He thinks they look silly! I think they adorable! My mom got me and sister both some cute rain boots! I think I showed you a loooong time ago!!

Well I need to get some clothes on and get moving!!

Happy Saturday!

K Jaggers
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