A Quick Good Night

Friday, March 4, 2011

Just wanted to wish everyone a good night before I head to bed. Its almost 1 am and my goal is to be asleep by 1:30 and be up by 10:30.  I got errands and shopping to do tomorrow. I don't want it to take all day...But I guess it doesn't matter if I get a later start..As long as I get it all done. I didn't make it to the Social Security Office today so that's one of the first things I will be doing tomorrow..However I am not so sure I will have any luck..I know where the building is, I saw the hours on the door yet every single time I call them, no one answers. I don't get it. So finger crossed that they are actually there tomorrow.

Tonight Scott worked really late so I ended up doing most of the work. I took my time, talked on the phone and just kinda breezed through.. Once he finished up the last delivery he helped by finishing up the floors and taking the trash out. He also helped in the Nissan Building. I left around 8 pm and we got home around 9:30 pm. Cant beat that kind of job!  =)) I have to be at the dealership around 6 or so to get it cleaned up. Then we are done till next Friday..Really don't mind cleaning it up. Its simple, doesn't take very long, and it pays really well! Plus I get to do it with Scott!

Tomorrow I will be getting up ~ Friday Favorites ~. It will be what ever I am using and loving that week.. Not just beauty items either..It could be a cooking item, pet item, etc.  I thought it would be fun to share what I am using and loving!

I am also working on...

* Today's look *

* My dandy office organizer *

* Whats on the Menu *

* Most Recent Haul *

* Still got to get my swim suit choice up *

* A beauty Review *

* A Wine Review *

* I Love...*

* 25 things you dont know about me tag *

~ many many more coming this weekend~

So stay posted for all kinds of new fun post coming up!
{ Yawn }
 Well Gabby is acting like she is ready for bed.. I am too!!

Sweet dreams!!!

K Jaggers
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