Loooong Day....

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Loooong "WET" Day!!!

It was such a long day from the rain. I love the rain..But a rain that is cold and windy is not what I really like! I love warm spring showers...Not what we got today!

I was out running in the rain and it literally beat the hell out of me. As I told you in a earlier post
( click HERE for that post ) while I was at the grocery store, it just beat me all up.

It rained the entire time I was out.

And once I got home I had a nice little surprise waiting for me on the front porch..

Cooper runs the neighborhood every day, and today he brought back a friend..

A black lab..Shes pretty old and has really bad hips and appears to be kinda blind.

Once Scott got home and they were both outside to greet him..

It wasn't long before he was out there feeding her.

Cooper first of course!

Then they both enjoyed some kibbles and away Scott and I went to get our dinner!

We headed to..

To get some soup on this rainy day but..

Scott pointed out Lobster Carbonara for me and it sounded really good..

So I got my ..

Salad and waited till I got..



Scott got..

Ribs, mashed potatoes and sugar snap peas.

The entire time we ate dinner, it rained..I was sprinting to get into the restaurant just to try to keep warm and dry. Not ideal..

But today was also

Michael's Birthday!!

I know I didn't say much about it today...Only because we are celebrating with him on Friday..I have his cake ordered and I cant wait to see it! Super excited..But Michael is like part of our family now. I really care about him and hope he is having a great birthday! Over the weekend I will get pictures of the cake and the celebrations! We are waiting on his dad who will be here tomorrow...

Tomorrow...Hummm..Well I have to...

♥ Clean up the spare bedroom for his dad
♥ Work on picking up the house
♥ Clean up the bathrooms
♥ Work on getting laundry caught up
♥ Cook a big roast for dinner
♥ Clean the wood floors
♥ Scoop cat boxes

Mostly things to do at home..I am hoping I don't even have to go out tomorrow. Ohh.I do have one errand..Getting to bath and body for my free gift..Got to try to get that into the day too..You guys know how I am a sucker for a free gift!!!

Speaking of free gifts!!

I have got a lot of sweet comments on the giveaway..I cant really answer them because in doing so I would be entered into the giveaway! Sorry! But I love you guys.. I really do.. I am going to be doing more and more contest and I want all you guys to enter! If you have not yet entered the giveaway for the Eco Brushes you can get to that page by clicking

You have till Sunday at midnight to enter! So get over to that page and leave me a comment about what your favorite make up brush is and why...That's all! Once you do that, your entered..I know a lot of you don't have a ton of brushes.. I understand that..But if I were a betting woman, I would bet that most of you have at least one brush you use every day! I want to know about it! I love to hear about what other girls are using! So please enter!! They are all great brushes! I am sure you will LOVE them!

Well its getting late.. I was so tired earlier that I was dozing off when American Idol was on. I guess after a wet cold day...I got my belly full and dry and warm.. and I was out.. I woke up...had some hot tea.( post coming soon re the tea ) , took a long shower and here I am...up..but not for long! I also think tomorrow I am going to call the pound about this dog if she is still here tomorrow. While I would love to have another pet, a old dog with health problems is not on the list. I feel kinda bad but we have a full house. Hell, I was wanting a black cat, not a black dog! I think the Universe got something wrong!

Off to bed...

K Jaggers
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