Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hello friends!!!

Happy Afternoon!

Hope everyone is having a great day! Not much going on around here yet. Well..I did just put in a big roast in the oven for all the guys tonight. Michael's father will be tonight and I want a dinner that can sit for a while if we are waiting..or if the guys have to work late. But besides that, I am running a bit behind! O-Well...I have slept later than I wanted..→ shocker ←..But plan on cleaning up the house with maybe a run to Bath and Body! With the guys working late, I might even do that around 6 or so!

The house is not in too bad of shape..Just got to pick it up..What I would pay for someone to come clean my house every day. I love being a stay at home wife but sometimes I would love a lady ( besides me ) coming and cleaning up around here! But I am picky..So it might not be such a good idea!! Its hard for me to even let Scott clean up around here sometimes..It drives me crrrraaaazzzzyyyy how he puts up the towels in the bathroom but...I know he trys to help sometimes and I have to just let it be..I use to run around and try to fix everything I thought should be different but now I know, just to be thankful for the help and let it be..

That black lab is still here. She slept on the porch all night. I called the pound a few minutes ago to see if anyone had reported loosing a dog and they didn't..She looks like a healthy dog and had on a collar..NO TAGS... They offered to come pick her up but they also told me they would put her asleep if no one picked her up..I couldn't believe they said that to me..Well hell..I don't want to kill her. I don't want her..But damn..I don't want to kill her either..So I guess she can sleep on the front porch a little longer. She isn't causing any trouble..I did bring her in for about 10 minutes last night but she wouldn't settle down so back out she went..I have no idea what I am going to do with her yet.

Speaking of animals..Gabby is running around here like crazy right now...These cats are driving me crazy!!! I don't know how much more I can take of her going in heat and not getting pregnant. They both are just so young and inexperienced..Its crazy..One would think, you get the right cats living together, chances are you would have kittens...Well let me tell you...Its not so simple. The guys laugh at me when I talk to them about this but its not easy breeding cats..Its just not. They are messy and they make a lot of noise...And these two are just not getting it done..Ugh!! Lets hope they figure it out soon!

Well I am off to get some things done around here!

K Jaggers
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