Thursday, February 24, 2011

With this really gloomy day I have been in the house just doing nothing. I need to be doing so much but I cant bring myself to get motivated..Its been 2 days of very little sleep.I am surprised that I am not more grumpy than I am. As I type this I am sitting at the kitchen table facing the back door and I have my great friend on Speaker phone..Well..we just hung up!

What a day..It has looked like it was going to rain all day but nothing..Just a dark sky and a cool temperature. I love the rain but today has actually been kinda depressing around here. I did manage to go out and get some things for dinner. But besides that I have been indoors. I worked on changing up the blog but didn't like it after I changed it so I changed it back! I am tired of trying to make it different. I works great like it is and I really need to learn to not fix things that are not broken.

You know, I kinda have this fellow blogger who has been following my lead for a while now. I think she thinks its a competition on here. * sigh *.. After me letting you guys know that I am starting to put ads on here, today she oddly made the same decision that it took her months to make..RIGHT..Whatever. She has a nice blog..But its nothing like this one..Mainly just drugstore make up..Which I love but that's it..Not much for content..Nothing really personal..Just product information..It reminds me of a sale paper ad and a cross between a cheaper beauty magazine. She has put up some interesting information at times but its basically all the same. There are a million drug store beauty blogs..Millions..That's one of the reasons I deleted the beautybyk blog and came back home to this one. There was something very impersonal about just writing about beauty products all day..BORING....So here I am trying to do more talking about my family, my children, my friends and all the things that go into being a stay at home wife and mother. So much more rewarding than any make up..

ohhh.. I forgot to tell you guys about the job Scott helped me get. The dealership was in need of someone to work every other week cleaning and picking it up...It pays really well and now we are doing that..One week we do it, the following week the other husband and wife couple do it. What I like about it more than anything is its at night and its 6 days straight and then a week off. LOVE THAT!!!! Scott will be helping me each night and I am sure that will get old for him after working all day but for now that's whats happening..We start doing it this weekend ..We can pick either Sat or Sun. I think we will be doing it Sunday evening..Its crazy.. I have worked with him off an on for years now. I really cant get enough of that man! I could be more proud to have him beside of me. He has been so loving and supportive to me and the kids. Some how we both made it through our phases of hell and ended up in each others arms...Its really like a fairy tail. I hope that all couples feel what I feel after this many years together. Love is amazing!

I am so need to get some laundry done. I went into the laundry room earlier to start it and realized that the lights are out in there. The ceilings are really high and I don't want to try to replace the light bulb on my own. I guess I could but I would have to use a bar stool and if I fell it would not be good! So I am going to wait till that tall man comes home tonight to do it for me. Speaking of tonight..American Idol on again for 2 hours!!! Loving that!! J Lo was having a lot of problems last night when they had to tell Chris ( the guy who girl friend had the bad accident and is in a wheel chair ) that he did not make it into the top 24. I understand how that must be really hard. I hate hurting people too..( unless they deserve it) and her pain was real. Hopefully tonight is a bit more up beat! Plus Grey's Anatomy is new tonight too..So its going to be a great night in front of the tv.I'm still sleepy but I am sure I will sleep tonight...I got more pills today that are not in the
~ all natural ~ category. I should have known all natural sleep aids would not work on me.. I need something much more strong!

In a matter of minutes I need to get dinner started. I told you guys in a earlier post that I was making this new recipe but I didn't read it all the way through at first..I need to let it sit for 6 hrs before baking. Not happening tonight. So I am making a pasta dish that's one of my favorites..~ Chili Mac ~.It couldn't get more easy!!!

Well I have rambled on long enough!!

OHHHH..If you didnt take the survey already please click HERE!!!
Its a way that I can get to know you guys a little better!

Talk to you guys later!

K Jaggers
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