Thursday, February 24, 2011

Its been a long night for me.. I took some all natural sleeping pills and they did not work...AT ALL.. At 5:30 this morning I actually ended cuddling up to Scott and waking him up..Needless to say we didnt fall back to sleep till about 6:30 causing him to keep hitting snooze on his alarm. I actually heard Michael getting the ironing board out before Scott was out of bed..And that is soooooo not normal around here! With falling asleep that late, I am actually surprised I got up at 1 today! I figured I would have slept much later. Its actually almost 2 right now..Boy I am really glad this is a late night being I am running late!

Today its really gloomy outside. I have to run out in a bit and it looks pretty nasty! I think its all the rain moving our way..So far we have not had any rain today but I think it will be here before long!

Late last night I was flipping channels and came across this movie about Coco Chanel and Igor Stavinsky. It was based back in the 1920's and it was about their love affair. I only got to see the last hour of it but it was pretty easy to figure out.  What makes this kinda sad is that he was married when they started the affair. The movie depicts how cold hearted Coco was and how the break up of their affair had major influences on their lives.Stravinsky was so moved that his music changed. Chanel went beyond just designing clothes and so they made their mark in history as a result of that brief moment in time they shared.  From what I saw of this movie, actually kinda made me sad..It made me go hug Scott a little tighter. However...this movie really made me think about love.

{ What we learn about love, the sharing of love, the giving of love is not where it will lead to, how it will end but rather the things that are evoked from within us as a result of opening up and allowing love to enter our lives.It matters not how long you love someone, where the journey is going to take you or not take you, but rather the beauty that comes from expressing love.}

Just something to think about!!! Since I didnt see the entire movie, I am not doing a review yet but the full movie did record on my dvr a few hours ago and after I watch it in full I will be sure to get the review done..

I don't know what is going on with me lately. I have been hungry for days..I eat and then I am still hungry..Not so good for the waist line. I really need to figure out whats going on with me. For dinner tonight I am making this upside down Upside-Down Mac & Cheese Hamburger Casserole. Its a recipe from Better Recipes. Its the first time I have tried this.. The guys work late and I am thinking it will be easy to make. I will serve some kind of vegetable and bread with it too. I will try to get the recipe up on here and do some step by step pictures of preparing it. Sounds pretty easy to make.I am actually going to make it a bit different than the recipe.. I want to spice it up a bit more..Kinda like chili mac.. Getting hungry just thinking about it..
* Shocker*

Well I am going to clean up, head out and get the things I need for dinner and get some lunch!

Have a great day!

K Jaggers
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