*** Hello Friday ***

Friday, February 25, 2011
Flowers Pictures, Images and Photos

What a gorgeous  day it is here today. The temperature is around 70 and the wind is blowing and my wind chimes are just dinging all around..Some of the loudest prettiest charms are ones from Brittany..Well from mom and Brittany! =)) It keeps her fresh in my mind..Not like she is ever out of it anyway! Same for little Jackson. I just wish I could talk to him more..I hate that he is not as happy about talking on the phone or skyping  as much as Brittany..His free time is playing on the xbox or running around the neighborhood playing with his friends. I sure miss those kids..Cant wait till summer break is here so we can all spend some much needed time together...I cant wait to get them here so I can kiss them over and over and over! =))

* M*I*S*S*   * Y*O*U*   *B*O*T*H  *S*O*O*O*O*O   *M*U*C*H !!!!!

Its a day I really should be up cleaning the house. Sooooooo much to do around here. But to be very honest I am not really feeling doing any of it today..But I am going to have to get up and do something. I am feeling much better with getting some sleep. I allowed myself to sleep as sound and as long as I needed today. I was going so very little sleep for 2 days and I was feeling like zombie..But today I feel refreshed and awake! Too bad I started my day so late. It really wouldn't be a problem if Scott worked a bit later than 6 pm. Not to mention I need to run out to the store. And I am still in my pjs! Got to give myself a little while to wake up!

I have been working on some post and they will be up before long..

♦  A really fun lipstick post..!

♦ A wine Review!

♦ A movie Review!

♦ A Spring contest!

♦ More pictures of one of my biggest loves!

♦ Woopie Pie Step by Step Instruction !

♦ Whats on the menu !

♦ My new bathing suit find !

♦  A post about how sitemeter works!

♦ Post with new home repairs that will be happening in the coming weeks!

♦ A make up review!

♦ A post about how to give your make up brushes a new look !

♦ A fabulous pork chop recipe!

And I even have more in mind!!!  lots to share! =)

As you can see lots of new great post coming your way in the coming days. I would love nothing more than to sit out on the back porch on this beautiful day and blog but I just don't have the time today! First things first.. I have to got to clean up and get dressed..Then work getting the beds made, laundry, the floors, etc..

I might do a post just about how busy my day actually is..on a general basis.. I think a lot of you would be surprised!! Its never ending!!!

If you havent took the survey yet be sure to click ** HERE ** to get to that page. Its just a few questions telling me a little about yourself! Just want to know you guys a little better!
Hope you guys are having a great day!

K Jaggers
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