Saturday Rambles

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Hello friends! I have a little time so I thought I would sit down and say hi! Here are some of the thoughts jumping around in my head. Hope you enjoy.

- It's kinda cold here today. Last night we actually had to turn on the heat but we are trying to keep it as low as we can but still stay comfortable. It's hard when there are other people in the house who have their own ideas of what a comfortable temperature is. Thank you warm coffee. 

:: I can't believe what happened in Paris yesterday. Friday the 13th was proving very difficult and stressful in my own life but it was nothing compared to what they went through. I am so tired of terrorists killing innocent people. I don't see how anyone thinks God really wants them doing that in his name. 

- We all kinda slept in today. I think we all needed it but it's going to be a busy day so we can't lay around forever. 

- I am sorry that things have been so busy and out of control where I haven't had time to blog or make videos. I really want things to be normal again but it's been so hard getting back on schedule. 

- My mom asked me if she could bring anything up over Thanksgiving and out of my mouth came: " You could bring me a juicer if you have one sitting around in your kitchen that you don't use." I should have never said that but because I have an awesome mom, she tracked one down through a private facebook page from her ritzy neighborhood and found me this one....for $30!!! I couldn't believe it. It's new...never been used and it's mine! I am so excited!! I wanted to start making some fresh juice and I think it's pretty cool she was able to track it down and get it for me. Thank you mom! It sounded like a silly request but I am really happy to be getting it! :) 
- I actually sat down and answered a lot of emails last night. Wooooo-hooo! Hope some of you guys didn't mind a late night email coming in. I answer them when I can. I feel much better right now about it though. 

- I lost my PO Box key and need to wait until someone is in the office to help me. I wish I could find it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. 

- I've been scared and nervous a lot here lately and to be very frank...I am so tired of it. I wish I felt comfortable explaining why but I honestly don't. 

- Last night I watched Testament of Youth and it was actually a really good movie. There has been a shortage of good movies here lately and I found this on amazon and watching it was like a mini vacation where I was able to just escape for a couple of hours. If you like time period films, I am guessing that you would probably like this movie as well. 
- Scott is worried about Cooper again. Right now he is sound asleep on his bed and just looks a little older to me but ok. It's sad watching an animal you love age. But he's ok right now and that's all we can hope for. 

- I am still kinda sick. My ear is better but I still a terrible chest cold. This flu bug has taken so much from me this year. It hit our family hard and it's been hell trying to get rid of it. It taken days on end away from me and I have just done my best to live by these words. →→→→→→→→ I am still taking antibiotics and hoping it just goes away. I don't think I can handle much more. 

- My sister in law has been a saving grace for my family here lately. I can't express how thankful we are for her. She has ♥ of gold and always always is there for us. We couldn't ask for a more loving loyal person to have in our lives. I just hope we can return the favors one day. We are blessed because of her and I love her with all my heart. 

- We have a road trip coming up. Housesitter is taking care of things while we are gone and hopefully it be fast and we will be back home in a flash. I actually have my doubts if we will get up to Indiana this Christmas which is kinda new news. I am not sure about it yet but it might not be the year for it. I feel confident that we will be moving in the summer so it's ok with me. It doesn't make me happy but I am still ok with it if we can't make it up there. 

- I plan on doing a new Question and Answer video soon. I will let you guys know on instagram and facebook so you can send your questions in. If you have any now, you can leave them on this blog post or use my comment form to send them in privately. 

- We celebrated another special birthday in our family recently! I can't believe how fast our kids are growing up. I am so proud of each one of the kids. They are growing up so fast and life is moving a a rapid pace if feels but they make us better people. I am always amazed at how smart and able each of our children are. BTW...we love cookie cakes in our house! 

- I actually went to the grocery store last night and didn't record a haul. I know many of you love the hauls and I will continue to record those videos but I was so tired and it was getting late. I just had my family help bring them in and they even helped put them away. I was very grateful for their help. I'll record the next one! :)

- I am not sure if I am going to rake the leaves this year or not. I don't really mind them laying in the yard or floating through the air. Maybe after our trip or next weekend sometime the boys of the house can do it.....if Scott insists. 

- I don't understand the Christmas lights up before Thanksgiving. I guess some get so excited. I personally can't do it until after Thanksgiving. Funny thing is.. my mom actually mentioned the same thing in a recent facebook post. 

- Our washer is on the fitz. I think it's going to stop working at anytime. I really just want to get through the holidays before replacing it. Fingers crossed. 

- We have put off getting firewood for a while now but it's about time to get some more. We have waited long enough. The cold weather is creeping up on us so fast. 

- I'm sorry I haven't been too active on fitbit here lately. I took it off the other night to charge it and forgot to put it back on. I'll get back it as soon as life starts slowing down around here. I really feel like I need to but I have so many other things going on right now. Be patient...I will be working out again and trying to get in all those steps. :) 

Here are some of the things I hope to get done today....

:: Try to record not 1 but 2 videos today. And try to edit some. 
:: Finish Laundry
:: Pack
:: Look for PO Box Key
:: Clean pet dishes
:: Write letter for housesitter. 
:: Work in planner for next week. 
:: Confirm hotel 
:: Make brownies for car ride 
:: Clean up DVR's to make room for shows we are going to miss. 
:: Charge electronics
:: Fill up automatic water dish
:: Call and check up on:
   *My mother in law...who also was a big help to us recently.
   *Our oldest daughter....haven't talked to her in a few days. 
   *Grandma. It's hard to talk and understand her but I am going to check in with some family who will be able to let me know how she is doing. 
:: Go through bills and put on calendar. 
:: Wash blankets that we are taking with us. Hang out today to dry. 
:: Move hedgehog to first floor so the housesitter can easily care for him without having to go into Jackson's messy room. 
:: Resume vlogging.
:: Brush out all animals. 
:: Get to bed early! 

Thanks so much for stopping by. I will have a new video up a little later so be sure to come back and check it out! I'd love it you took a second to subscribe!


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