Plan with Me! { Video } November 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Hello friends! I hope your morning is going well. I have been working hard to try to catch up with videos and blog posts. :) Today I am sharing a new plan with me video that takes you through my October pages and then we do some planning in November too. This is a overview where I share my planning in the Inkwell Press Live Better Planner. Hope you enjoy!

I normally don't take a lot of photos to share in these kind of blog post, however if you want to see more....let me know! I just feel like the video shows you everything! It's been really hard for me to get back on schedule and still even today I am having trouble keeping to my routines and such. I don't know why it's been so hard but it has. My planner normally really helps that NOT to happen but I guess with getting sick and so just been difficult. 

In fact, today we heading out and about on a quick but long family road trip. Thankfully we have a wonderful housesitter who takes great care of the house and animals so we are worry free and making our way down some lonely highway. I will do my best to get some blog post up while we are gone but by Tuesday we should be back home and I will have another vlog for ya! Thanks for stopping by...I'd love it you took a second to subscribe!


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