Meet AJ! | Our Birth Story | Video

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Hello friends. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. It just started snowing here making today a little more magical! Speaking of magical, I am back today sharing a new video introducing you to the newest member of our family and sharing his birth story. It was not traumatic or scary. It was simply one of the best moments of my life. It feels like yesterday when we locked eyes and met for the first time. After nine months of carrying him, I was just so overwhelmed when seeing him for the first time. He was simply perfect. Hope you enjoy! 

He is now 11 days new. Since we have been home he has done really well. He is surrounded in love by everyone in our family and within our circle of friends. I truly could not be happier. He is also already calling all the shots right now. He pretty much determines everything from when we eat and sleep...where we go...all of it is in his hands right now. We are just adapting our schedule to suit his. As we move on though this journey with him and the rest of the kids, I plan on taking you with us. I truly appreciate all the love and support you have shown him and my entire family over the years. Thank you guys for everything. It's time to cuddle our little baby boy and watch the snow come down. ♥ I'll see ya soon. xx

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