Hi friends! Boy it has really been a while since I have posted anything here on this blog. I'm sorry for that. So much has gone on....and I always feel limited on time. So tonight I am sharing 4 videos in one post. Two pregnancy updates, a video looking back over this past year and even a food haul. I thought that this would be the simplest way to catch up this blog of mine so I can start posting more current videos. So here, you go! Most recent from the top down. Hope you enjoy!
I am really sorry that I have neglected this little space of mine. It always seems like there is something more important, more pressing to get done besides blog. But I hope to change that. I use to love this space of mine and I couldn't be happier about starting things back up. Tomorrow I will actually have a new video up going over my 22 week of this pregnancy. Soooooo. I sure hope you come back and check it out. Thank you guys for sticking around and being understanding while I figure this all out. xx
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