Weekend in Review [ Pic Heavy ]

Monday, April 8, 2013

Helloooo! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! The weather broke around here and it finally warmed up. 

Friday was really the start of my weekend! It began with husby getting home... we ran some errands in the evening. He was having a tough time at the redbox trying to figure out which movies he wanted!

It was a bit cool Friday due to the rain so I just stayed in the car and let him figure it out! And he picked a couple of good movies!

Also Friday I dyed my hair. 

I should have known better than to use the John Freida kit. Every time I do..its always too dark. Well I picked out Dark Caramel Blonde and it totally darkened my hair. WTF????? Does that look like Dark Caramel Blonde? And my hair was already pretty light..it shocked me! I am not too fond of the color right now but I am going to give it a month or so and then try to lighten it. It happened a couple times with the John Freida dye before but I was the dumbass who had to try it again.. - Not Smart - I plan on doing a more in dept review on this later... stay tuned.

Friday we just picked up a fast dinner while we were running around. 

I loooooove Wendy's Chili Cheese Fries. For the rest of the night we just hung out at home watching tv. 

And look who was hanging out with me! 

Isn't he adorable!? I love breeding cats. Its seriously one of my biggest passions... I just wish I could keep them all. Scott already jokes about living with the crazy cat lady. I don't know how many more he will let me have before we move. I might keep one from this litter.. who knows! 

So Saturday was our anniversary.. but Scott had to work. 

It was probably a good thing because I was in terrible shape. I woke up with a terrible migraine.. had to take 2 self injected shots.. and was really hurting for most of the day. I tried to stay in bed as long as I could but it was hard to lay still when I was feeling so bad. Its like the throbbing was worse when I wasn't moving. However going up and down our staircase was impossible too. The pain was just too much. And the shot in my leg didn't hurt as much as the shot in my arm. It was horrible and I actually had tears running down my face. 

I did manage to go out and get husby a couple anniversary gifts. 

I picked him up 

2 different colognes. I smelled the Calvin Klein Euphoria in Oprah Magazine and loved it.. and then I got the Obsession just because...its a bit stronger but it still smells amazing!  

About 6pm I started feeling better and was able to enjoy the little bit of the day outside. It was such a beautiful day sooooo...

I had some fun with Super Cooper! 

I really wanted to take the first warm day and clean out the garage but there was no way I was able to do that when I was feeling so bad. I tried my best to take it easy because I didn't want the pain from the migraine coming back. 

It wasn't long before husby pulled up in the car with some beautiful roses! 


They are so pretty! 


Actually the house is full of fresh flowers! 

I have the tulips he got me in the morning.. 

in jars sitting all around the house and I also have this big 

spring bouquet on the kitchen table. I love all the fresh flowers! The all smell really good. 


The roses are in the living room and all the cats love smelling them... and they would actually eat the flowers if I wouldn't stop them! I wish I could have big bouquets of fresh flowers all over the house everyday because are just so pretty! 

And check out this adorable card he got me.. Its a great card!

I blurred out his message inside the card because he likes a little privacy (: ! But the card was so cute because his snoring drives me crazy!

We went out for our anniversary dinner... which was nice because it was another night I didn't have to cook! 

We went to Smoke the Square.. one of our favorite restaurants in the city.

Oddly enough we both got the specials...

which never happens. One of us might get the special but its rare that there are 2 specials that we both want! 

I know its hard to tell but there were a lot of people there..

The booths are huge and and positioned in way that you can see the people unless you are walking past or sitting across from them. 

We started things off easy with a salad..and honestly.. I think it could have been the best part of dinner. It tasted amazing to me! Maybe I was just hungry!

Scott got the grouper..

And I got this gigantic steak! 

It was really good and delicious.. plus I brought home half of the steak for lunch on Sunday. 

It was such a lovely night compared to my day of pain. Scott was really tired and it didn't take long for us to fill up on delicious food and get back home to Jackson. I would have took him with us but he didn't really want to get dressed and go out. Plus it was kinda like date night for Scott and I... and we need that too. 

He stayed up as long as he could Saturday but 


it wasn't long before he was passed out in bed and I was just watching tv and playing on the computer. We both needed a good night rest. I took some sleep meds with a cup of sleepy time tea and it didn't take long before that light went out and I was dreaming. 

I woke up to a Scott and Jackson playing around downstairs. Jackson came into the bedroom and tossed a Sunday paper on the bed. He left the door open and all the cats came charging in.. ready to drive me crazy until I got up and got some food for them. 

All the cats are happy in the morning to see me and I am happy to see them too but it would have been nice if he would have closed the door so I could have went back to sleep! 

And look who is at breakfast now! They are just starting to eat some solid food..

and they love it! Its helping Gabby too..she isn't producing that much milk... and its been harder on her this time. Its her last litter.. and that's good. 

Scott loves the kittens too! I wish he was smiling in the picture below.. but he was sleepy!

He got up early and did a lot around the house...which I totally appreciated. 

Jackson really wanted to go see

Honestly I don't think they should charge new movie prices for old updated movies. But they went and enjoyed it. 

I took the time to catch up on my A-Z Challenge Post and I also worked on..

I hate doing laundry. it sucked but its all done. I need to put it up..its all folded on the love seat in the living room waiting on me but its clean. 

Once Scott and Jackson got back Scott helped me give Gypsy a trim! 

She really needed it. She had some matts and didn't even mind getting groomed. It took about 2 hours to trim her up.. and we were going to shave her but we just didn't want to do it. She looks cute the way she is.. actually I think she looks like an alien.. but she's cute! I wish I had a diamond choker to put around her neck! 

Scott brought dinner home with him...

and since it was a pretty day.. we ate outside. 

Actually, I had


wings because I don't like pizza.. The wings were really good but a little too hot for me. I had to sprinkle a little brown sugar over them to handle the heat. but I ate them all! 

It was such a nice night out. We enjoyed being outside..

I think maybe spring is here.. 

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P Cloudy
AM Clouds
AM Clouds
P Cloudy
P Cloudy
P Cloudy
P Cloudy
P Cloudy
P Cloudy
Sct Showers
Sct Showers
Details for Sunday, April 07 (Evening) 

Look at how warm its going to be! SUPER SUPER HAPPY!!!

As the night rolled on.. I enjoyed 

Oprah with Jane Fonda and her Daughter. It was a very touching.. During the commercials I was cleaning makeup brushes.. It was long overdue job.. and took a while to get done.

Now they are all clean and ready for me to use! They are still a little damp but hopefully by tomorrow afternoon they will be completely dry! 

Happy I got that job done! 

Then I found myself laying in a hot bubble bath trying to not drop my phone in. 

Its funny because most nights I either have the computer or phone in there with me. Tonight I was reading and responding to emails...and taking pictures! (: Gabby was on the ledge for a while too but thankfully didn't fall in. I was just praying I would drop my phone in the water and destroy it. I have replaced my phone 2x in the past month.. but I was careful this time!

I got out and headed to the kitchen for a snack I sliced up some yummy


grapefruit and came right up to bed. I figure if I am going to snack late at night.. fruit is best. I have been feeling like working out somehow...maybe some yoga or something. Who knows what is getting into me because I never exercise! But I thought some stretching would feel nice and I also thought some cardo would be good for my heart. We'll see..

Well its late.. this post is long enough..


I seriously hate school right now. I have to get up to an alarm to get Jackson to school and most of the time its just torture coming out of the warm bed. But we had a great Spring Break and now its time to get back to normal.

This week I plan on working around the house... getting things cleaned up for summer.. I also plan on working on filming some videos too. I should be able to get a lot done with Jackson back in school. But I can promise you one thing.. I am coming back home tomorrow and going to bed for a couple of hours!!

I hope you guys have a great week!

Ohhh.. I still have not got all the addresses for the giveaway winners!!! If you are not sure if you won or not please check out this post. This giveaway was big and its not so easy to manage..Please get me your addresses! You can email me at mrskishajaggers@gmail.com.


K Jaggers

4 comments on "Weekend in Review [ Pic Heavy ]"
  1. Sounds like you had a pretty great weekend!! Happy Anniversary!

  2. Wow, what a buys weekend. Great pictures. Visiting from the link up. I'm also hosting one this Thursday April 11. Show me your favorite Spring Trend. HOpe you can join.



  3. What a great hubby! Picking out movies in the rain and bringing you roses :)

  4. @ Follow the Ruels.. Thank you.. we had a great night!

    @ Agnes.. It was busy and I wasn't able to make the linkup.. but maybe next time!

    @ Kimberlee.. Yes hes pretty amazing! I am a very lucky girl! Have a great weekend!


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