Catching up with the.....A to Z Challenge!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

With everything happening in our lives I have been behind on a lot of blogging. ): I signed up to do the A-Z challenge for April but I am SUCKING! So today I am catching up! This challenge is writing a post based off the letters of the Alphabet and there are 1904 other bloggers participating.. so I got to catch up! This one post is going to contain A-F. Hopefully it won't be too long! 

A: is for Anniversary

Scott and I just celebrated our wedding anniversary last night. I have more pictures to come but it was a very simple yet beautiful night together. We known each other 10 years... been together 8 years... and married for 2 years! Ha! Actually we got married once before but had to do it again when we realized his divorce papers were not properly signed. Yea.. but we fixed that really fast and just did it again! Sometimes it takes a couple of times to get it right! And last night he was really sweet and told me he would marry me again.. in that very moment. Until Forever Ends I will love you Scott. 

B: is for Blog 

So what do you guys think of the new blog design!? Many of you have let me know that it looks better and is easier to use now with the new changes. I am also going to be adding some google ads in the coming days. I don't want to over do it but I do want to start to generate a little extra cash where I can. The other day I logged into my paypal account and I had $83 from ads I put up years ago. It was just waiting on me to finish adding my bank info and now I got a little extra play money! Woooooo-hooo! I am also starting to sell ad space to other bloggers too. If you are intersted be sure to check out my Sponsor/Media Kit link at the top! (: 
Thank you guys for making this such a fun thing to do! I love blogging.. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I really want to get this blog printed out in books but it would take a lot of volumes. Sooooo.. one at a time! 

C: is for Cats 

I am so lucky to be able to breed and raise Persian Cats. We had a scare this last time when Gabby had to have a C Section but we came away with 3 of the most beautiful kittens ever! I love it. I thought for a while about not doing it anymore but....they bring my entire family so much love and so many smiles.. its totally worth it. Its never easy to part with them but I do my best to find them loving homes where they can grow and experience life. I consider every kitten that leaves my home a piece of my ♥ and I take this job very serious. We have healthy cats that produce healthy kittens! If you are interested in any of the cats you are more than welcome to check out the cattery link at the top and fill out an application if you are interested in adding to your family! 

D: is for Dog 

I think its only fair of me to talk about our Dog Super Cooper if I am going to talk about the cats! I am not a huge dog fan but I have pretty much always owned a Golden Retriever since I moved out on my own many years ago. Cooper is now 4 years old and still just a big love. He's really Scott and Jackson's buddy but I love him too. He is almost always happy.. but has got himself in some trouble in the past. We have seriously thought about getting him a friend to play with but until we figure out where we want to live.. we are better off with just one big dog! 

E: is for Eating 

Scott and I went out last night for our anniversary dinner and it was super good. I have more pictures coming in a weekend review but it was exactly how it was suppose to be. I hated not taking Jackson but we needed a date night away. We got him a pizza and then brought him home a few sweet treats that made up for it. Plus he didn't want to get cleaned up anyway! It was a lovely night out and we ate some very good food!

F: is for Family

I have the most beautiful family ever. I feel really proud of all of our kids. None of them are perfect but each one has some very special and unique qualities that I love. I didn't plan on having a blended family. My kids.. His kids.. Our Kids.. but its better than what I dreamed up. All the kids are beautiful people and I am honored to be their mother, step mother, friend.. My husband means everything to me and even though I could ring his neck some days he is still the one I love and need. God doesn't always follow MY plans but that's ok because his are always so much better! 

I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.. Tomorrow's post will begin with G! 


K Jaggers
5 comments on "Catching up with the.....A to Z Challenge! "
  1. What a great post ... Love your dog's name {my last name is Cooper!}
    And your blue eyes in that photo are ridiculous!
    You have a beautiful family!

    Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection.
    Please come back Friday to see if you were featured. :)

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  2. Great way to get caught up! I enjoyed getting to know you better!

    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

  3. It was great getting to know you better! I hope your life stays "normal" (with three kids, a billion cats, a big dog, yeah, normal...anyway) hang in there, and if anything else happens, just let me know and we can figure it our from there.
    Your hostess,
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

  4. What a great post. I love getting to know bloggers more.

    Thanks for sharing your favorite post at Raising Imperfection! We feature our favorites on Friday, make sure to come back and check.

  5. This is my first year with A to Z and I have been so terrified they would bump me, I have stayed on it even if it meant no sleep. I don't know how strict they are.

    Great post.

    Brett Minor
    Transformed Nonconformist


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