Wake Up!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013
X0ien_largeHave I mentioned how much I HATE my alarm clock? Well I do.. I hate that damn thing. It startles me awake.. pretty much scaring me to death until I hit the snooze button. I just got Jackson to school and I am debating if I should stay up or doze back off. I am thinking it would be ok.. being I worked hard on the house yesterday! Who knows.. its never that easy to fall back to sleep. I do have to get out and run some errands later today. I am still working on the getting the lists together. I need to run to the market.. the Dollar Store and also drop off some redbox movies. But again.. I have all day and evening to make that happen. Husby isn't taking his day off until Friday so my goal is to have everything done where I can just enjoy the day with him instead of worrying about getting the house together. No matter how clean the house is.. I always have to take about an hour a day to make the beds and straighten the house up each day.. except normally on Sundays I don't like to make the beds! I get so many questions about how I spend my days... that I am thinking about doing a blog post on it. Speaking of questions.. I have a new Ask the Housewife Post coming up later today! Thank you so much for all your questions. I only got around to answering 15 of them but you can always check out the past questions and answers to see if your question has already been answered! And in a few weeks I will try to do another one because I got over 50 questions! There is no way I could get each one answered in 1 post! Maybe it should be a weekly post.. but I don't know.. We'll just have to wait and see! 

Its suppose to be 


I am so happy about it too. Another day to have the windows open.. sun shinning in and breeze blowing through the house! It suppose to be warm all week so maybe spring is finally here! 

Well its time for more coffee or sleep.. I don't know which but I will back in a little while! 

Have a beautiful Tuesday! 


K Jaggers
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