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Hello Friends! Normally once a month I do a Ask The Housewife post to answer YOUR questions. Everything is fair game.. I don't hold back anything! Feel free to send in your questions anytime.. just use the contact me page in the top links! So here are this months questions!
I do blog a lot but I have a lot of extra time being I don't work outside the home. I try to get as many posts done ahead of time if I am going to have a busy week but most of the time.. I just have the extra time. Normally, my day consists of getting up early to take Jackson to school. Then I get back home and enjoy some coffee and the news ( If I don't doze back off for a few hours ) and then I do some work around the house and then blog.. Mondays are my big cleaning day. I take about an hour per floor and clean.. change sheets, vacuum, dust, clean the bathrooms, and then I take a break.. normally eat some lunch and then start working on the first floor. Then through out the week its just picking up and keeping laundry done. I normally blog on breaks through out the day!
Thank you. Well right now, we are here. Scott likes his job a lot and the Florida move will come when its suppose to. I wish it could be tomorrow but I just have to wait until the time is right! So the true answer is.. I don't know. God knows I am ready! That move will be a huge move for us and will be a lot of work.. but there has to be a lot of planning first!
Thank you so much! You can go to the kitty website right here and get tons of information. There is an application that I require EVERYONE to fill out if they are interested in one of our kittens.. and that even goes for friends. I know it might seem strange if we are friends but its super important that I have all the information I can get to make the right decisions for the kittys. I don't just sell them to who has the most money first. I place the kittens in the homes I feel would be best for them. It is a business but its also a part of my life that I love and cherish.. finding the perfect homes for them is my ultimate goal!
First off, thanks so much for watching! I got started a couple years ago when I just didn't have enough time to get a blog post done and I wanted a faster way to get things up on here. But as time went by, I got more comfortable in front of the camera and now its nothing for me to just make a video! I don't have just a beauty/makeup channel.. while I watch many beauty gurus and love them.. my channel is just an extension of my blog. So it has a bit of everything on there. My biggest tip is do videos on stuff you love. Don't worry about subscribers and numbers.. just be yourself on camera and go for it!
Well that's not an easy one! For me, normally I like a BB cream or something light in the summer. I just used up one of the Loreal Magic Lumi foundations and I really liked it. I think it could be perfect for summer for almost anyone. But if you have oily skin, it might be too dewy. I also like
the Revlon Colorstay foundations too. The original was a little too drying for me but now they have it in normal/dry skin and it works so much better for me. I also love the Revlong Colorstay Whipped Foundation too. I think these will work better for people with oily skin. I like the heavier foundations in the summer if I am going to be somewhere important and I am worried about sweating it off!
I had to really think about this question. I have a lot of kitchen gadgets.. some I use.. some I don't. But if you are going to be doing any kind of work in the kitchen a good knife is essential. It will make your life so much easier. And a good knife can't just be it.. You really need to get a good knife sharpener too. Otherwise in a months time.. it will go dull and won't really cut right.. making the kitchen work that much harder. So I recommend going and finding a knife that fits perfect in your hand.. one that is not too heavy and I love stainless steel knifes the best. If you are not use to using a larger knife, be careful because it will cut if you if you are not keeping your fingers back!
I look on Google a lot and I also like weheartit for quotes too! You can find a lot of great quotes if you are specific about what you are searching for! I have the right click disabled but you can hit control + C and copy an image if you like. I don't really care about people copying pictures and such but I was having problems and the nice people with Google actually suggested it. I know its been a change for some of you.. but we all work hard on our blog posts and I just don't want it to be so easy to copy!
Thank you! Well I just found a template that I liked.. changed the HTML and then went in and customized all the fonts and colors. It was pretty easy to do. Remember to save your widgets when prompted if you are switching over otherwise you will loose them all. I took down a lot of widgets that I thought was slowing things down and made more space for sponsors. It actually took me about 2 days to get it finished and now I am really happy with the way it looks! Sometimes you just need a change. If you need help with changing things up on your blog, just shoot me an email to mrskishajaggers@gmail.com and I will be more than happy to help!

Honestly.. he has been really sweet about the blog. At first he would say stuff like.. " I don't want the world to know what I am doing. " or " Kisha, that should remain private." but after a very short amount of time, he started smiling more for pictures, helping out more with guest posts and videos.. and he is on here all the time reading what I am writing.. reading your comments.. and looking up old pictures! The other day he called me and said.. What are you doing? You said we are moving in a couple of weeks and if my boss sees that.. I could get fired. I didn't know what the hell he was talking about and then he sent a text message letting me know he was sorry because that post was from 2010! So yea.. at times, its caused a little trouble! But honestly.. if this blog caused my family pain or problems.. I would stop. But he knows I love documenting our lives and is very supportive.
Yes! But what I am using right now is not too glamorous.. I have an older desk that has the fold up lid thing on it.. so it hides most of the mess! I am wanting to repaint it first but I will get a video done as soon as I can!
Gosh.. what a sweet question. I am afraid the answer might be a little more complex. I love being married to Scott.. most days! He is truly my best friend and someone I trust with every aspect of my life. He knows things about me that no one else will ever know. Hes very loyal and loving but we don't have a perfect marriage. And if anyone tells you they do..they are liars. Plain & Simple. Most of the time we get along pretty well but what seems to cause most of the problems in our marriage are the hours my husband works. Now, I understand that I knew his job required a lot of hours before we ever got together. I would see him on the weekends at friends houses and then he would be off to work again and I wouldn't see him for weeks. Well.. when we first started dating he was working on the road doing huge super sales at big dealerships. We would work 3 weeks on the road traveling.. working Monday - Saturday and normally Sunday were our travel days.Then we would take 1 week off. That was the beginning of learning the hours he worked. It sucked then.. and even though we are off the road now.. he is still working insane hours. Normally Scott gets ups about 530am and leaves for work around 7am. Then he's not home until about 9pm. Thats a lot of freaking hours to be working and not be home. Jackson and I miss him a lot. Its hard to not take out the frustrations of his work and work hours on him. Most of the time he comes home totally exhausted and grumpy. Its hard because he starts out happy happy in the mornings.. then our conversations and texts are always really sweet in the afternoons but by time he gets home.. hes tired and grumpy, just wanting some food.. shower.. and sleep. Normally, If I can just deal with being flexible to his schedule... then we are all good! But its not easy. Another big key to our marriage is not having secrets. There is no hiding anything including passwords and such. We are both very open with everything.. and to be honest.. that is probably more of an issue I had with coming from relationships with cheating but everything is shared. And I think its better that way!
That's a great question! It took some time for me to figure out the answer too. I would honestly have to say being the personal secretary to all of the kids and my husband is pretty challenging. We have a control center in our living room that you can check out here that keeps us all pretty straight and organized in what we are doing.. what appointments we have coming up.. etc. Scott is always having me do stuff for him.. making calls..sending emails..shipping stuff off.....the list goes on and on. There was one day not too long ago that he wanted me to do a bunch of paperwork and stuff for him and I simply said no. It wasn't because I was just wanting to be a bitch. .I was tired and thought this time he could do it. Well the guilt got to me.. I remembered at how hard he works to support us all and give us such nice things.. I got up off my butt and did what he wanted. But I don't always enjoy being everyone's personal assistant!
That actually depends on what I am blogging about. If I have a big review.. it might take me an hour or so. But with a lot of my blog posts, I try to concentrate.. stay focused and I can have them done pretty fast. The coupon and freebie posts are super fast for me to do most of the time. It can take me less than 2 minutes to get a coupon post or freebie up with shout outs on my social media. I have a journal that I keep a lot of blog notes in about upcoming posts and such. I also have a small weekly calendar in the back that has all the linkups I like to participate in so I don't forget! There are times when I am running behind and have to scarfice a weekly post but most of the time I try my best to stay on top of it! I really enjoy blogging so its not really like work for me!
Ha! I get asked this question so many times! I don't have vision problems.. I have NEVER put a contact in my eyes before. My eyes are the color of my fathers eyes. Sometimes they look brighter or greener in different light but that is my true color! Thanks for the sweet compliment!

I don't really like to live with regrets. However I will tell the truth and let you know that my ONE blogging regret is not doing it sooner. Actually I have 2 regrets.. I didn't care about gaining readers in the first few years so I didn't really worry about GFC or Facebook.. I just focused on documenting our lives. But I have since made some great friends through my followers and social media sites. So if I could have done things differently.. I would have started blogging sooner ( its been 4 years now! ) and I would have went ahead and started setting up ways for other great bloggers and friends to follow me.. not because I wanted followers but because I have made so many blogging friends along the way! But things happen in their own time and not always on the schedule I think something should happen!
Thank you to everyone who sent in their questions! If you didn't see your question above.. its either been answered in a previous post or it will be in the next round! If you want to ask a question just click here and drop me a line! I don't ever show your email address or name. I know so many of you like to remain private and I understand that.. so don't be scared to ask anything you want!
Have a beautiful Tuesday!
K Jaggers
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@ Cheri! Your welcome! I hope you have a great weekend!