
Saturday, February 2, 2013

What a day. It was freezing cold here.. I hated getting up early to take Jackson to school.. I came right back home and went to bed. Husby came home and hung around the house with me until I was ready to go. Which didn't happen until about 4:30. It cold from the moment I got up. I had the fireplace going.. and I just never warmed up. And its hard to get cleaned up in a cold house. I finally did and Scott and I were off to do a little shopping. We stopped at a really glass store and I got a pretty sunflowery piece of blown glass. I will get pictures soon!! Its a really neat piece of artwork.

Then we were off to do more shopping at 

Walmart. We got a ton of stuff for the house and pets. and then we got some food for ourselves. 

So it was a quick dinner at Applebees. 

Scott wanted sushi abut I just wasn't feeling it tonight. Thankfully he didn't mind compromising. Thank you baby. ♥

I really think the cheese sticks were the best. 

Dinner was ok.. 

I got the steak.. Scott got the ribs..

And at this point.. I was freezing even more and not feeling good. My stomach hurt.. I was tired and grumpy.. Yea.. I just wanted to come home. I still needed to stop by a different store to get Gabbys food and I also needed to stop by CVS. But we came home.. I rested and then went back out. However, I thought Jacksons prescription was in my purse.. but nope.. and I wasn't too happy about it. 

I found myself back home.. and exhausted. I hung out for a while with Scott and Jackson and then I slipped into the tub 

and started reflecting on the day.. 

and I totally hate it. God.. I just want to move to Florida tomorrow. I froze all day long. I did warm up in the bath though. 

While I was in CVS tonight look at what I got!

And I was talking to the manager and she told me that tomorrow all kinds of products are being marked down. I am heading right back and I find that prescription! I looooooove extra care bucks! 

I am also happy I got 1 Valentine gift done tonight! 

This is for my swap partner.. that I need to mail tomorrow too. I hope she likes it! I will put a link up to her blog when we do our posts!! 

All day it seemed like I would get somewhere and realize there was something forgotten.. something that I have to redo in the coming days. I was on the phone with Scott while I was shopping at CVS and I told him today just felt like a waste. I still have shopping to do.. I still have to go back to CVS.. I have to get Brittanys Valentine gift so I can get it in the mail.. then a trip to the post office. I'm serious.. I seem to have a full plate around here right now. And to be perfectly honest.. the house is a disaster. The kitchen is clean but there is hours of work to do around here. Again.. I want to move to Florida to a smaller house. This place is just too much for any one person to keep up with. I hate it. I thought a big house was the answer.. but we need to either hire a maid or find a smaller house. 

Here's a funny one.. Tonight Brandon went out and did some shopping. We don't make him pay anything to be here but on payday we do think he should go get a gallon of milk, a 12 pack, and his breakfast and lunch food. Its really not much.. I don't want to take his money. He works hard for it but I do want him to be responsible for something. Tonight he went shopping and put the milk on top shelf.. Scott opened the fig.. it came flying out and busted all over the floor. * Husby was soaked in milk!! * OMG.. He was soaked and pissed. He cleaned it up and bitched the entire time. Then stormed off to take a shower. He did come back downstairs and laugh about it but it was pretty funny! I should have got a picture. He had just took a shower and was in a tshirt and boxers when it happened.. which makes it even worse. See.. that goes on with my thoughts on today being totally pointless in almost every way. 

My purse is a disaster.. Seriously a disaster. Before I go anywhere tomorrow, I am cleaning it out. I hate it when my purse is a mess. No telling what I am going to find in there. 

Tonight I pretty much turned off my phone. I just don't always feel like talking.. and I needed some time. I might do it tomorrow too! 

Its late.. I am already in my bed and I just have to shut this computer and its over. I'm sleeping in. I hope tomorrow runs much smoother. I am happy happy the weekend is here. I want to rest up and try to run all those errands and pick up the house. Plus we have a friend coming over Sunday. But I waking to no alarm clock and I LOVE IT! 

Sweet Dreams

K Jaggers
1 comment on "ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
  1. I have days like that all the time where I just can't seem to warm up! I hate it, especially when I am at work because we have to have the fans going all day even when it is freezing cold outside. (I work at Curves) Bubble baths are definitely a great way to warm up!


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