Sleeping in today was amazing. Shit, I have been sleeping on and off all day long. Right now I just happen to be up but I could lay right back down before this post is ever finished! I hate waking up to a alarm... Monday - Friday is up early no matter what. And then on Saturday and Sunday I sleep as much as I can. Jackson came and crawled in bed with me a few times but it was short lived. He was back up playing games and watching tv.. and he loves no alarm clock too!
I don't have many plans for today except maybe a run to CVS and picking up the house a little bit. I need to really clean this place up but I am not getting a good start today! =)
I hope you guys have a great day. I will be back a little later..but first I seriously need to wake up and get motivated to do something!
K Jaggers
Some times a good sleep is the best thing in the world, in fact I think sleeping in is one of my favourite things in the world. Hope you had a lovely lazy day xo