Its been a super long day.. but its still Friday! So here is today's 5 Question Friday with Five Crooked Halos . ( Her blog name is My Life but her blog address is so freaking cute so I use it instead! )
1. What is your favorite book to read with your kids?
I have read this book so many times with my kids. We have read it fast and slow.. and I make it fun.. I get animated.. and for just a little while, take the kids to a different place.
2. After having kids, what body part has changed the
That's too funny.. My husband I were just talking about this. At 20 when I had Jordan.. I didn't have any issues with bouncing back. Then Brittany I bounced back pretty fast but with Jackson.. I never lost the flabby stomach. And he was the smallest. He was 4lbs 2 oz. But I don't worry about that anymore at this point. I am comfortable in my skin.
3. Would you ever go back to college? What would you
I would seriously go back for a Journalism Degree.
4. How do you close a phone call? Bye, bye bye or
Most of the time I end a phone call with
I think its important to say and important to hear. Scott and I ALWAYS tell each other ♥ I love you ♥ before hanging up.. As well with the kids and my mom.. and even my best friend. I am not scared to say it because they all mean the world to me and I want them to know it. Other times I will just say
5. What is the one food that will always be your
"cheat food" on a diet?
I have never ever been on a diet. And I don't ever plan on being on a diet. I do try to eat kinda healthy but I really eat what I want. So no cheat foods. But I do love sweets and eat them often!
Hope you had a great Friday!
K Jaggers
Oh this is a super cute idea. Do you randomly pick people's questions?? I love the idea, and don't think I've seen it anywhere else. Kudos lady :) -totally_rachel