Hope you have a wonderful day. I might run some errands today but I also might stay home all day instead.. Who knows! Its desk day which means..
* Sorting through all the mail on my desk.
* Updating the calender of upcoming events
* Pay Bills ... =(
* Going through emails and send out reply's.
* Check all the unchecked voicemails on my phone.. and I think there is over 10.. yea, I only check them once a week.. so if you need me you might just want to text or call again!
* Menu Planning
* Filing away important paperwork.
* Call and make an appointment with the vet for Gabby's pregnancy checkup.
* Tear out recipes from magazines before I toss them out.
* Send out a few thank you notes.
* Change out Jackson's art work with updated master pieces!
* Get items ready for the post office.
* Get rid of all the pens that don't work.
* File away receipts.
* And on desk day, I clear the DVR's of all the tv shows we have watched already.
I feel tired just looking at that list!
So as I said.. its desk day and I have a lot of work to do! But I am happy that I am able to stay home each day and work around here on my own schedule! I am sure more desk work will pop up through the day but I am hoping that even though I am going to be busy.. it going to be a good day!
I have a few videos coming up.. stay tuned! I hope you guys all have a wonderful day! Don't forget to get entered in both giveaways I have going on. Just click here to get to them.. its the first 2 you see.. and you can also find the entry forms → in the sidebar! →. You never know.. YOU could be the winner!!!!!!
Well its early.. I have to get Jackson to school and I need more coffee!
Have a great day!
K Jaggers
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