Home Management: Desk/Work Area Tour | Video |

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hello friends! I hope your evening is going well. I have been super busy around our home today cleaning which is why this video is going up a little later than normal! :) I get so many questions about my desk and I have been hesitant on sharing it because it's really nothing that special. But to be honest, I love it. It serves it pupose and it really works for me with those big windows. I was working here a few days ago and it was so pretty out. There was a breeze and the birds were singing and I really couldn't imagine a better place to work at. If you want to see it in detail, here's the video. ↓

You really don't have to have a big fancy desk. You can just use what ever area that works for you. I find my bedroom is the best place to work in a private quiet area in our house. I film here often with the natural light of the windows, there is no need to break out the lights and it feels good to me. Plus with it being in the master bedroom there is a attached bathroom, which is nice. Eventually I will probably switch it up to something different but I really don't see why I need to in any kind of hurry. This has worked for years, and I bet it will continue to for many more. Hope you enjoyed the little tour. I'll see ya soon! xx
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