Its ok Thursday!!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Its Ok Thursdays

Happy Thursday Friends! 

Its ok..

That it just poured down yesterday. I always think of the rain as refreshing and relaxing. I slept off and on all day! 
Its ok..

That I am totally obsessed with court tv. Seriously.. I’m hooked!

Its ok..

That husby and I have both been feeling under the weather lately.

Its ok…

That my greys are starting to show.. time break out the dye!

Its ok...

That laundry has sat on the loveseat for days now.. maybe today will be the day I get it all put up.

Its ok..

That I still hate doing 4th grade homework with Jackson. Times have sure changed because it’s a lot harder than what I remember.

Its ok…

That I am so behind on beauty reviews. So I am making a new series called Monday Makeup Reviews that will start next week! Be prepared.. I might post more than one review on Mondays just to catch up!

Its ok..

that I am dealing with some issues with my 11 year old on fb. She really thinks its the proper way to communicate. Forget calling or God Forbid actual writing letters. Gosh.. kids are getting ruined by social media and I guess I am to blame because I ok'd it. Hummmmmm...

Its ok..

That I have a small tear in my down blanket and every night there are feathers flying through the air in the bedroom! I seriously need to sew it up! 

Its ok..

That the dogs next door are still pissing me off. I don't know what it is about our rude neighbors that they don't understand that none of us around this neighborhood want to be woke up at 5am with yappy dogs. They need manners. 

Its ok..

That I am not one bit interested in the Super Bowl. I don't even care for the ridiculously over priced commercials  I am going to watch Oprah and Downton Abbey instead!

Its more than ok..

That our precious kitty Gabby is pregnant again! Who doesn't love Persian kittens!? Last time we sold them.. they were all gone in 2 days to loving homes. How awesome it is to give another family pieces of my .

Hope you have a great Thursday! 

K Jaggers

3 comments on "Its ok Thursday!!"
  1. I feel the same way about rain! LOVE it! Sorry to hear you both aren't feeling well. Extra not good when it's BOTH of you at the same time. Excited for your beauty reviews! I need all the help I can get :)

    Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog

  2. I am SO OBSESSED with court TV! Snapped,Forensic files and unsolved mysteries are on my TV 24/7. If you have netflix there are some really good ones as well! I have teenagers too and you wouldn't believe the gray hairs they have caused me lol...

  3. I looove rain too! :) Hope you feel better soon! It's interesting how kids these days have Facebook to communicate while we only had landlines. Oh, technology!
    Found you on the link up and I'm a new follower :)



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