Hello to you all! I am still in shock that we are already done with Wednesday. Isn't Gabby and Gypsy cute together.. Finally she is being nice to her. And let me tell you...Little Gypsy is a freaking wild cat in a kittens body. She is tough as nails. When I try to clean her eyes or nose.. she puts up the biggest fight.. she has even bit me a couple of times.. Wild Girl! Hopefully she calms down a little bit.. She is so freaking cute but she is wild! She seems to be adapting really well. I want her to get a little bigger so I can see what her real personality she is going to have.
Everyone is giving her lots of love around here..
Jackson can't keep his hands off of her! Brandon too! =) She's loved.. for sure.
The day flew by for me. I was out the door an hour after I woke up and did some...
Everyone is giving her lots of love around here..
Jackson can't keep his hands off of her! Brandon too! =) She's loved.. for sure.
The day flew by for me. I was out the door an hour after I woke up and did some...
shopping. I wasn't as prepared as I normally am but I did pretty good winging it. I did use 7 or 8 coupons but I forgot my list at home.. but I remembered the meals I wanted to get.. and the rest came to me while I was walking down the isles. I really tried doing it fast. I sped around the store with my buggie and was at the self check-out lanes in about 45 minutes. I should have known better. Because that damn machine kept having problems taking up more of my time.
But I was still doing pretty good time wise and even had time to make a food haul vlog.!!
But I was still doing pretty good time wise and even had time to make a food haul vlog.!!
Pasta Night!
It didn't take long before
the table was set and dinner was done..
This is complete love for me!
This was perfect.. and the
the salad was yummy too.. love poppy seed dressing!
Today in the mail I got a really cool sample - which I will show you in my October Freebies Post but I also got in another magazine freebie that I told you about right here
I got September, October & November. How awesome is that!? This is a Whole Living Magazine and I am super excited to sit back in a hot bubble bath and start reading these. I love taking the 5 minute surveys for a free year subscription to a particular magazine! LOVE IT!
If you don't want to miss out on great deals like this be sure to sign up for my daily email!!
I don't think I will ever pay for a magazine subscription again!
While I was out at the market today I picked up this
Covergirl Last Blast Volume Mascara.. This one is waterproof and in # 830 - Black -
When I was putting on my make up this morning, I thought I should maybe get another mascara.. and for some reason this is the one I reached for today!
I was happy to be in a hot bath by 9pm tonight.. WOW.. that was totally ahead of schedule and I loved it! The kitchen was cleaned out..the coffee is made.. breakfast is set out for all the boys.. and Jackson's stuff is all ready for another day of school. The amount of paperwork that I have to do is insane for his school. Tonight it took almost an hour to fill all that stuff out. But its done and I am in bed at a reasonable time!
However, I am not so sure how good of an idea, mocha ice coffee is before bed is.. but that's what I am drinking and its so tasty! Have you checked out my review on this ice coffee?? If not you can click right here to see it. This is really good stuff and you can get it at your local grocery store.
The past few days have been really good around here. I am so happy to be married to the love of my life. Our lives are built together and he is my protection in every way.. He's truly amazing.. He's not perfect but hes a wonderful husband who makes everyday a new adventure! Because of him I get to live a pretty charming life!
Tonight I am going to try to drift off to sleep to
Which in my opinion is a charming movie! =)
Ohh.. did you see my new button in the → side bar ?→ For some reason my other one wasn't working right so I made another. Feel free to grab it and put it on your blog!! The giveaway is going on right now and you get 10 entries for doing it!! Also I made a new button for my moms blog too. You can also find it in the right side bar.. and feel free to visit her as much as you like! Plus if you follow her on Google Friend Connect you get more entries in the giveaway She is loving blogging and just getting started. You can also click right here to get to it!
Well, I am trying to adjust my time to go to sleep a little earlier and wake up a little sooner.. so its off to bed for me!
Have a great Thursday!
K Jaggers
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