Who knew paper towels would be such a hot topic in our house. They use to sit over by the stove but I decided to move them to by the sink. Well that adjustment has really messed up every member of our home. They all seem to think they were better across the kitchen by the stove.. Hummmmm.. wonder why they think that is easier??? Husby even complained that they will get wet sitting by the sink. BUT.. they are not directly where the faucet is.. they are down a little further but on the same side.
At first they just moved them back. then I moved them back to the new spot.. they again.. would move them and I would go right behind them and that game went on for a few days..
The game of
- Where are the paper towels?? -
I got good and tired of that and started complaining.... they complained back and we are still not agreed tha the new spot is the best place for our paper towels to live. My 10 year old just didn't understand why I had to switch thing up on him.. Change is good right!? But the paper towel drama might be over. The towels are over in the new area and so far tonight no one has moved them! I guess this could have all been avoided if we used one of the cabinet hangers to keep them up but getting husby to do that job isn't so easy.. His to do list is rather long at this point!
I am hoping that this battle is over and they have all surrendered to the new kitchen towel spot!
I wonder.. where do you keep the paper towels in your homes!? Let me know!!
K Jaggers
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