I have been loving pinterest.. there are so many ideas that come across that website. Total inspiration!
Cord organization tips. I am SO doing this.
Marshmallows in brown sugar to keep it soft.I think this is sweet!
Reuse salt pour spout with mason jars. Genuis!
Hash browns in the waffle maker. Makes them nice a crispy! Another great to use your waffle machine more!
The secret to an easy to peel, boiled egg.
Use an old glue tip to draw or write with acrylic paint.
DIY picture hanger. Smart! My grandparents use to do this and it works great!
Clean that screen with a coffee filter
Slip proof your rug with acrylic caulk. Apply a line every six inches, and let dry. Brilliant Tip!
No brown apples for lunch. I used this tip and it worked great. My Jackson came home from school and said, "Mom, why was there a rubber band around my apple?"
Use a rubber band to remove a stripped screw.
Did you know a Parmesan cheese lid fits a regular lid canning jar? I soooo didn't know this!
Hanger chip clip. I love this one!
Magnetic strip inside a medicine cabinet to hold metal hairpins. Genius.
Did you know if you put a wooden spoon over a pot of boiling water, it won't boil over? I have done this for years and it works great!
For neighborhood kids during homework and chore time.
Dry up grease stains with chalk. Rub on stain as a laundry pre-treat.
Take your favorite liquid fabric softener and soak an old hand towel or flour cloth completely with it. Wring it out and let it dry completely, then throw it in with your next load. This mega-fabric softener sheet should be good for at least 40 loads of laundry .. pretty much the same way I use sponges in the dryer!
Great idea for corraling meals for road trips. I am getting these little baskets for the next time we take a trip!
Spray vinegar on windshield before a winter storm & car windows will not frost over. Click on link for more winter car tips.
Aluminum foil covered paint pan. Toss when finished. Brilliant.
Soak old paintbrushes in vinegar for 30 minutes. Good as new!
Makes an old sweater look new.
Grow green onions on your window sill.
More cord tips!
I did a post yesterday about this and I think its such a great tip.. Think fast and easy.. and using your waffle iron more instead of it sitting around getting dusty.. I can't wait to do this!!
Happy Wednesday!
K Jaggers
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