Sweet Dreams

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Fall is really here. I am freezing tonight. Its been rainy and cold most of the day. The sun did shine a little but the wind picked up and sent the leaves flying across the yard. The changing seasons come and go.. year in and year out and I do dread the cold winter coming up! 

Tonight went pretty well besides the keyboard issue.. But thankfully I got it fixed for now.. until the tech support guy comes over. And if I have to.. I will send it in for repair and go rent one from a renta center type of place to use until mine is fixed. Its crazy how much I use the computer. I am on it all the time and have become very dependent on it. I am just thankful I am blogging right now!

I was also really thankful for husby picking up dinner. It wasn't so cheap picking up 4 value meals but it sure was nice not having to cook! 

And my baked potato was amazing! `I enjoyed it while watching Dancing with the Stars!! I will start doing some more posts about my favorite dances.. stay tuned for my favorites from last tonight! 

So on to... 

We have FINALLY settled on a name for the new kitty cat.. 

This name was one of my moms names that she suggested.. I liked a lot of names but I just started calling her Gypsy tonight and it stuck! She is sound asleep right here beside me. 

I am not sure if I have mentioned it but I am 90 % sure Gabby is pregnant.. YEP! I really think she is.. Willow is in heat and has been matting with Romeo for a few days so there is a real chance she is pregnant too or will get pregnant in the next couple of days! We are going to have a houseful of kittens before long! 

Romeo, Gabby and t|Gypsy did have some playtime together tonight. 

They love chasing this string of beads around! 

The older cats are still giving her a hard time but they are starting to lighten up a little. I am still shocked that Romeo had the most issues with her. Doesn't he know that's his younger girlfriend!? Silly boy! Gabby was nice at first but today she got pretty grumpy with her.. growling and hissing. I expected that..and Willow is put up for now... but she was out for a little bit today and was also nice to her.

I will have to get the kitty website updated in the coming days but I always have to share the news with you guys first! =)

I hope you have a great Tuesday.. Husby is going into work and will be back by about 10am.. I won't even be up yet.. but I am super happy he will be home with us! I miss him so much but I am glad he has such a great work ethic. Hes amazing... and I am super happy Brandon is starting work there. I know Scott will be a great influence on him. I think Brandon is a little nervous but that's normal. Hes very quiet and I think he will do a really good job. 

Have a great Tuesday! 

K Jaggers

1 comment on "Sweet Dreams"
  1. Here in Australia we're gearing up for summer! I started following you from the GFC bloghop at The Life Of A Not So Ordinary Wife. Would love you to follow back http://www.twenty5seven.org


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