Afternoon to you all!! I hope you had a good morning! I really hate mornings! I was up till after 5am and then getting back up around 7am isn't so easy for me. I hate it. I am so thankful that I have a husband who does the morning shift really easily!
Scott went into work for a couple hours this morning but hes home now.. and actually enjoying a long shower. I don't think that man could get any cleaner if he tried! He actually sleeps int he shower at times and I really don't know how he does that. It looks so uncomfortable.
I know things have been kinda chaotic around here blog wise. I didn't get a Monday movie review up.. and I am still playing catch up since I was gone. But hopefully in the next few days it get back more normal around here. So much has been going on.. My head has been spinning for days. But little by little I am trying to catch up!
I hope you have a great day!
K Jaggers
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