Hello Thursday!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Happy Thursday Friends! We are making our way right through the week aren't we? Time fly's most of the time for me! I wish there were more hours in the day. Or.. that I could just do it all without any sleep! 

Today I plan on staying home as much as I can. Its a late night for Scott but Brandon gets out a few hours earlier. Scott may have someone bring him home or I might have to go get him.. otherwise I should be here all day long. I have a lot of things I am trying to get done. I need to clean out a closet on the first floor today. I am sure I am going to find all kind of crap in there that I haven't seen in a long time. Its for Brandons
clothes. He is staying in the study that we converted into a bed room but there is no closet in there. So I finally got husby to put our coat rack and I am cleaning it out so Brandon will have a place to hang his clothes. 

He did great at work yesterday. Scott said he worked his butt off. He is so quiet.. He barley shows his feelings to us but I just keep talking and asking questions hoping he comes out of his shell. I think the day wore him out because he was in bed pretty early too last night.

Its suppose to be a pretty cool wet day around here. I think the high is suppose to be around 70 but its suppose to rain. So its going to be chilly. Again.. another reason to stay home! 

I hope you have a great day! If you haven't got entered in the latest giveaway to win this.. 

Day Timer Kit.. then do so! One lucky winner is going to win everything in this picture.. plus I might toss in a couple little surprises too! I will say.. the only thing I hope is if you are a blogger and win this.. that you will do a post after you have it all set up and if not.. then take a few pictures and email them to me so we can see how you organize it. Its not a requirement but it is a * wish *.You can get to the full giveaway post right here.. which has more pictures.. a video .. and the entry form but you can also get to the form at the top on the blog on the right! 

Have a great day! I'll be back soon! 

K Jaggers

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