Its Ok Thursday

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Its ok... that my little kitten is hell on wheels! She’s a tough cookie.. so little yet so feisty!

Its ok… that the cold weather is starting to come in and I feel  like I could be getting a cold… AGAIN.

Its ok… that the last few times I have went to Mickey D’s it has sucked.. Seriously sucked. I even called one time and got the entire order replaced after Scott and Jackson getting upset at their cold burgers and fries.

Its ok… that we have added another family member to our home. Brandon is really sweet and I think he is doing great here with us! So happy he is working with husby!

Its ok… that the big cats are still not so accepting of this new kitten in the house. But she’s holding her own pretty good.. like I said, she’s tough!

Its ok… that I still have my days and nights mixed up. I don’t think its ever going to change.. And I also think I am ALWAYS going to hate the alarm clock!

Its ok… that coffee has been not only my breakfast but my lunch too these past couple of days. Seriously need to try to start eating breakfast again. Why is it, nothing tastes good in the morning? The boys don’t seem to have that problem.. Hummmmmmm..

Its ok... that my computer is all kinds of messed up right now. Thankfully I was able to buy a keyboard and hook it up to my laptop otherwise I wouldn’t be blogging right now. But the Sony Tech guy is suppose to be here in the next few days..still waiting on that call though.

Its ok… that the bathrooms have waited on me to clean them now since Monday. So today is the day that is going to change. I hate cleaning 3 full bathrooms.. It sucks.

Its ok… that I have had a red box movie for almost 2 weeks now.. I don’t know why I can’t remember to take it back.

Its ok… that I only got the outside of my car washed this week. The inside is still a mess … soon.. very soon. 

Its ok…that the smelly guy at the grocery store about knocked me over when he walked past me. I seriously wanted to direct him to the deodorant isle but I just quickly pushed my cart away from him. Gross. 

Its ok…that my hair has been driving me crrrrazy.. Growing out a bob is never easy.. But at least I can pull it back now. 

Its ok…that I am nervous nervous nervous for Brittany making it on the cheer-leading team.. I sure hope she makes it because she really wants it! Good luck princess! 

Its more than ok…that mom started blogging! I love it.. Its been a lot of work helping her design it and answer the many questions she has but I love that she is blogging! So fun!!! I am sure she will love it as much as I do! 

Happy Thursday! 

K Jaggers

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