Happy Weekend!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy afternoon.. and happy weekend! We are are just laying around playing. Jackson got this invisible ink pen that he keeps writing on me with.. then he shines a special light on it and then I can read them. He has wrote on my arms and legs leaving all kinds of goofy messages!! He got the pen at his school book fair.. Let me tell you about the book fair. He comes home telling me he needs $40 to buy books. I love books but I thought $40 was a bit much. So I talked him down to $20.  He goes and gets himself a couple things then buys his little girlfriend a $9 book.. only to come home and tell me that he didn't get everything he wanted. So I guess he was right and I should have gave him the $40!!  I told him that he should have maybe let his friend buy her own book and he said.. 

" You told me to be nice to everyone.. and she only had .15 cents " 

How can I argue with that?? So now I guess I am sending in another $20 on Monday just so he can finish getting the rest of the books he wants. Hummmm. its rare with my 9 year old is right! 

Yesterday was so beautiful..

There were giant fluffy clouds over us all day. The last day of summer went out with a bang! It was warm and beautiful.. it was amazing! 

I got up early and got a lot done.. including some shopping. 

I uploaded a Friday Food Haul that you can clicky click right here to see! Lots of goodies! 

I also went for a walk with Jackson.. Doesn't this just scream out  fall to you? 

It was stunning. 

Scott took the day off to go golfing.. and came back with some pretty cool items he had won.. 

I thought this was really cute and will look good sitting around some where.. he also got a bag full of goodies that he brought home for Jackson and myself. 

I got busy making dinner.. 

It was so freaking good! I also made a video showing how I made it with very little effort that I will be posting later today! 

Ok .. on to.. 

So for those of you who don't know.. 

Scott and I are expecting!!

Yep!! Here is the little girl that will be moving in with us in exactly 

2 weeks!!

This beautiful kitty is a gift from my mom and I am so excited to move her into our home! I am am hoping the other kittys are nice to her. It takes a while when moving another cat into a house that has a - cat pack - already living in it. But she will be just fine! We are still ting to decide on a name.. So far .. I am not doing so good with the names...I really have to get it figured out.. SOON! When I put this picture on facebook yesterday.. she pretty much became an 

in that very moment! I guess I am not the only one who loves adorable kittens! 

Well, I don't have any big plans today... I should be cleaning the house and working on laundry but so far I haven't accomplished any of that stuff! Instead, I am laying around being lazy. We were suppose to go on a hike later to search for pinecones but husby wants to go to one of the local fairs instead. He said.. we can just eat dinner there.. which sounds amazing! I love fair food! 

I know tomorrow he has plans on spending the day with Jackson. I think they are going fishing and doing a few other things. And just maybe we will get that


pine cone hike in too! 

I need to get busy on the weekly steals and deals. I am not sure why they don't show up in google reader.. a fellow blogger thinks its because they are way too long. So come back and check them out. Also once all 3 are done, I send out a mailer to all email subscribers. There are lots of great deals this week!! 

Also you still have this upcoming week to get entered in the


for these 

5 Loreal Lip Glosses. You can get to the post here! But you can get to the form at the top of the blog. I will be announcing the winner on October 1st! I already have the next giveaway planned.. and that will go live around the 13 or 14th of October. I am just as excited for the new giveaway as I am the Loreal Lip Glosses!  AND.. I even have another giveaway planned after that! I have so much fun hearing from you guys.. and I get just as excited for you!! I wish I could just do a giveaway to ALL YOU GUYS.. because you guys are awesome but sadly.. I can't. The next giveaway will have 5 or 6 items in total.. and I hope you guys love it as much as I do! 

Have a great weekend!


K Jaggers
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