Easy & Delicious Skirt Steak Dinner Photos & Video!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Last night I made the most simple delicious meal from a skirt steak, fresh green beans and new potatoes. If you want to go directly to the video.. its at the bottom! So first off.. you have to find the skirt steak. I found this one at Walmart.. but most stores will have them. This is a very affordable steak to make for your family or guest.. and its delicious! 

1. I like to trim up the skirt steak and take off some of the fat. Just use a sharp knife and peel it away.. I like to leave some for flavor.. but I take off a lot. 

2. Pick any marinade of your choice and let it sit for as long as you can.. you can use a baggie.. a plate works just fine too. I let it marinate for 5 hours in the frig. The longer the better!

3. I forgot charcole when shopping so I used the indoor grill. This cooks beautifully on the outside grill too. As I explained in the video below.. in our house the larger burner is in the front and the smaller is in the back.  So I put the thickest part of the steak at the front and the thinner towards the smaller burner. This way it cooks more even. Don't move it for a few minutes.. let it good and browned up.. then flip it.. and cook how you like it. I prefer it medium rare so it took about 15 minutes. 

4. Take it off the grill.. and let it rest for 5 or 10 minutes and then slice it up thinly. 

Next up.. Green beans! 

1. Cut the ends off the green beans.. Also dice up a small sweet onion, but I used 3 shallots instead. I am also using a garlic paste but a couple of diced fresh garlic cloves would work fine too. 

2. I also diced up about 5 slices of bacon. 

3. Add the onion and bacon to a skillet with a couple slabs of butter and cook till the bacon is crispy and onions are soft. 

4. Then add the garlic and about 1 cup of chicken broth.. Mix up well.. then 

5. add the fresh green beans. Cover and cook for about 6 minutes.. 

6. Then remove the lid.. let the chicken stock cook down and serve up! 

These are so freaking good. I don't cook them for a long period. I don't like them over cooked.. so they are still a little crunchy and not so soft. 

For the potatoes.. these were super easy.. 

1. Using a shallow pan add the small new potatoes, along with about 2 1/2 cups of chicken stock. 

2. Bring to a boil and cook until fork tender. 

3. Then once the chicken stock starts evaporating. add a couple table spoons of butter and allow the potatoes to get brown and crispy. 

4. As they are browning up.. I smash them down a little bit with tongs to get them even more crispy. Then I added thyme, garlic powder, parsley, and salt & pepper.. 

I also had some ciabatta bread with cheese browning in the oven.. once it was done.. 

Dinner was served!

 This meal was sooooooo good!

Here's the video! 

Happy Weekend! 

K Jaggers
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